AWD predicted shortly after five Dallas police were assassinated by a Black Lives Matter supporter that black violence against the police would soon spread to black violence against white civilians.

Last night in Milwaukee, blacks were recorded yelling “Black Power” and targeting random whites for violence after another black man with a lengthy criminal record was shot by a black policeman. Disclaimer: We at AWD are positive the victim was a goot boy who ain’t never done nuffin’ wrong.

You can watch this Milwaukee domestic terrorism in this video. Warning: language, violence and ignorance alert.

Ask yourself decent people of all races (but especially whites), how you would feel if one of your loved ones was trapped behind enemy lines last night with these savages?

These street terrorists are a culmination of 60+ years of Johnson’s Great Society which totally destroyed the black family and community and created these ignorant, illiterate, violent savages. They are totally dependent on welfare and contribute only crime, violence, and more dependent offspring to begin the next cycle of worthlessness.  MORE


  1. So the white guy, posing as a black man, Shaun King is warning us.
    He has one thing right, at some point the tax payers, those of us left, are going to get fed up with the injustice of having our money confiscated through high taxation, our 1st and 2nd amendment rights threatened, our religious liberty trampled and our country turned into a hell hole like Milwaukee that has been run by Dems for over 100 years. And then we will see what happens.

  2. Obama’s city is Chicago, where black lives don’t matter.

    Black Gangs and thugs are too busy shooting, killing each other and innocent people. They don’t have time or inclination to protest anything other than Police shooting armed and dangerous gang members, drug dealers, released convicts and other assorted thugs.

  3. while blacks loot, beat and kill whites, burn their cities, shoot cops, vietnamese refugees have come here with nothing, assimilated, and contributed by working 7 days a week, putting their kids thru school, creating successful families who become educated professionals like doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, scientists, etc

    they came here with nothing, did not complain, became american flag-wavers

    these black democrats should be hiding their heads in shame

    obama and the like have poured gasoline on this growing firestorm

  4. I just read that the ‘victim’ had 23 rounds in his gun.
    I guess if you throw enough lead you’ll eventually hit your target. I carry eight, and train enough that I’m confident it will be adequate in the event of any threat.
    More is nice, but a lighter load means I can carry all the time.

  5. I know this was a black officer justifiably shooting a black criminal in the act of committing a crime. All that aside, where are the calls from our “respected” leaders for peace and tolerance and emphasizing that blacks should not lash out against the white community?

    Every time an Islamic terrorist kills an American, we are told that we must not lash out against the Muslim community DESPITE THE FACT THAT EVEN INCLUDING 9/11 THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED! So where are the calls to protect whites? Obama? Sharpton? Jackson? We’re waiting.

  6. Boehnerdict, Does it mention anywhere what the gun was? 23 rounds aint normal for a hand gun magazine.

    I’m wondering if it was some kind of extended after-market magazine. Even a FNH 5.7 is “only” 20+1.

    Also, he should never be referred to as a victim.

    The fact he died has no bearing on who the victim is. He’s the perp, that makes him responsible for any and all outcomes. I get that you used scare quotes to reflect that truth, though. I say this for posterity & clarity for others that come along to read this thread.

  7. “Ask yourself decent people of all races (but especially whites), how you would feel if one of your loved ones was trapped behind enemy lines last night with these savages?”

    Not good. I also know how my loved ones would feel if I were the one trapped behind those enemy lines instead.

    Sorry for them and what they were about to receive.

  8. The gun was one he stole during a recent burglary, which was probably why his car was “acting suspiciously,” which is why he was pulled over. Good riddance. May his compadres join him sooner rather than later.

  9. Ever place Obama and his DemocRat comrades touch is scorched earth.
    The commie plan is to deconstruct and destabilize state and local governments and centralize all government authority under federal control. Hellary will continue what Obama started.

  10. Tnx Dadof4. In general, people just don’t want to go there or they just don’t know. The country is in critical condition. God only knows if we will survive the communist influences in our country.

  11. Rusty B. I found a picture confirming you.


    I own a few of those myself for my carbines. They are still aftermarket since they are not standard or original equipment – meaning no Glock will come with one from the factory. That’s what aftermarket means.

    Like a Glock-made extended replacement barrel is still aftermarket. Doesn’t matter who makes it – it doesn’t come with the original equipment from the factory on your Glock or even in your Glock case.

    Looks like he had FMJ and not hollow point chambered.

    Kind of surprised he had such a quality weapon.

    Too bad he didn’t have a quality mind.

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