Sailor illegally obtains classified info, gets convicted, asks judge for leniency, citing Hillary – IOTW Report

Sailor illegally obtains classified info, gets convicted, asks judge for leniency, citing Hillary

PoorRichard’sNews: You knew it was coming.

From LawNewz:

…Saucier is currently facing 63 to 78 months in prison, but his attorney, Derrick Hogan, cited cases where the court has issued sentences that were lower than what the defendant originally faced. Saucier claimed that Hillary Clinton‘s treatment for her private email server and transmission of classified material should be an example for why Saucier should not serve a prison term.

Hogan wrote that Clinton “engag[ed[ in acts similar to Mr. Saucier,” yet the FBI recommended that she not be prosecuted.  


10 Comments on Sailor illegally obtains classified info, gets convicted, asks judge for leniency, citing Hillary

  1. the fbi said hillary was not smart enough to keep classified material safe.

    this sailor will not get such an advantage, after all he was smart enough to get into the submarine service.

    hillary was only smart enough to become secretary of state and we all now know it doesn’t take smarts to sell out your country. it only takes old fbi files on anyone in the government which should prosecute you but won’t because you know their secrets.

  2. And there is the rub to any thinking person. The law applies to the little people but not the elite.

    Navy guy looking at up to 6.5 years in the slammer while Hillary is looking at becoming POTUS. Bill C. can fly to ‘Pedophile Island’ and is looking at moving back into the White House while Bill Cosby. is looking at rape charges. Mr. Jello is elite but not elite enough.

    To self identify as a Democrat is to publicly proclaim your lust for power over shadows any sense of justice, robed you of common sense and has left you void of a soul.

  3. Yes. It seems fair to not prosecute anyone of the same kind of crimes our politicians get away with.

    Once you wake up and start prosecuting them for their crimes, then you can go back to terrorizing the populace. That also mean no taxes until they all play straight.

    Would that turn of the table turn this ship around?

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