AlGore Blames Louisiana Floods on Global Warming – IOTW Report

AlGore Blames Louisiana Floods on Global Warming

DML: More than 30 inches of rain in the past week has created a disaster in Louisiana.

Over 40,000 homes have been impacted by the horrific flooding, and 11 people have lost their lives, while approximately 30,000 people have been rescued, with many still staying in shelters.

According to former Vice-President Al Gore, it’s all because of global warming.

Former Vice President Al Gore told a group of environmentalists the recent heavy downpours and flooding in places like Houston and Louisiana are made worse by man-made global warming.

“Texas has really been hit hard by the climate crisis and, for the last 35 years, has had more billion-dollar-plus climate disasters than any other state,” Gore said at an event held Tuesday by his activist group, The Climate Reality Project. “Houston in particular has been hard hit.”

“These kinds of record downpours — that’s one of the manifestations of the climate crisis,” Gore said.

“It is central to the prospects for our future, for the futures of our families and our communities, and the future of human civilization,” he said. “That sounds overly expansive but that really and truly is the case.”  MORE

17 Comments on AlGore Blames Louisiana Floods on Global Warming

  1. THIS is the look ALgonquin j (calhoon) GORE gets when he is in his outhouse adding to the carbon footprint which he owns…methane++++. This fat bitch will sell carbon credits on his own poop. He is a stinking skank dhimmorat, and Cankles is his understudy.

  2. Oh, fuck him very much. If the globe is so warm, asshole, why has my area (NYC metro) had one winter day of subzero “polar vortex” wind-chills after another for the past two years? I have spent 59 years living in this area, and I cannot remember any winter as bad as 2014-5 or 2015-6 in terms of unbearable cold.

    And please, shut your yap until you move to a smallish house, sell your vehicles and walk or take public transit everywhere, and stop making comments that are reported in media consisting of dead trees.

  3. There is property worth trillions of dollars in Texas and Louisiana now and in decades past the property was only worth millions. So yes Texas and Louisiana have had many billion dollar storms. That proves math is science not that anthropologic global warming is science.

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