Bill Clinton treats women in ‘intolearble’ ways, and should have resigned – said Hillary’s VP Tim Kaine – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton treats women in ‘intolearble’ ways, and should have resigned – said Hillary’s VP Tim Kaine

Does he feel the same way about Clinton’s enabler?

Bill-and-HIllary-Clinton 2

-CAINtv: Once upon a time, the most powerful man in the world had an affair with a young intern. To this day, Bill Clinton’s dalliance with Monica Lewinsky represents precisely the collision between power, gender, and sexual politics that feminists are always carping about.  A charismatic man abused his position and took advantage of an innocent.  …At least, that would be the story if Bill was a Republican.

Since he’s a Democrat, feminists (and their allies in the media) excused the affair, the lies that followed, and his commission of perjury.  He was “their guy,” so all of their supposed morality was instantly tossed onto the compost heap with the rest of the manure.

However, there were a few Democrats out there who recognized Clinton for the cad he was.  These brave souls were chagrined as they watched Mrs. Clinton attempt to destroy Bill’s accuser, and some even said the President should have resigned over the tawdry incident.

One of those Democrats was Spanish-speaker Tim Kaine, and he just happens to be Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate.  MORE

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