Stone: How Did Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Get Security Clearance, ‘Given Very Clear Ties to a Radical Offshoot of Islam?’ – IOTW Report

Stone: How Did Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Get Security Clearance, ‘Given Very Clear Ties to a Radical Offshoot of Islam?’

Breitbart […] “No conspiracy theory – this is really simple,” Stone explained. “Her parents were funders of the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, also active in the World Muslim League – both funded by the radical sheikh Omar Abdul Naseef, who also founded the Rabita Trust, identified by the Department of Justice as one of the funders of the attack on America on 9/11. Those are indisputable facts.”

“It’s ironic that Huma also comes out of the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, as did Mr. Khan, who of course got quite a bit of press at the Democratic convention last week. Two radical Islamic organizations,” he continued. (The Democratic convention was held July 25-28.)

hillary and huma

“Why is Huma’s background important? It’s very simple: we know, since she went through all of Hillary’s email, to determine what we should see and what we should not, that she has therefore had access to Top Secret classified documents. How did this woman ever get a security clearance, given her very clear ties to a radical offshoot of Islam?” Stone asked.  MORE

14 Comments on Stone: How Did Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Get Security Clearance, ‘Given Very Clear Ties to a Radical Offshoot of Islam?’

  1. Hildebeast doesn’t care about any of that. She digs on the whole Demon Gargoyle look, that she came to love during training in Hades.

    It’s especially cool to Hilly when she spins her head 360.

  2. And Valerie Jarrett too. It would be really interesting for everyone to know her background – since she is actually telling the president what to do. (Iranian agent)

  3. Money. Lots of money.
    That Arab money and Soros money buys a lot, especially where the Clintons are involved.
    The Obamboozler is run by an Iranian, surrounded with Arab advisors and appointees, Hillary has Huma and hundreds of millions of their dollars. It doesn’t take a genius to see what’s afoot here!

  4. “How Did Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Get Security Clearance,…”

    I have to think the question rhetorical. Look at the circles she moves in. Being vetted for a security clearance is an impediment for little people.

    She ain’t little people.

    And, she’s never been drug tested. Just like EVERY senator, rep, department head, cabinet head, need I go on? The rules are different for them. It’s been that way, it will always be that way.

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