Germany proposes burka ban – IOTW Report

Germany proposes burka ban

TelegraphUK: Germany could impose a ban on women wearing burkas or full-face Islamic veils at schools and universities and while driving under new proposals announced on Friday by Angela Merkel’s party.

The burka “does not belong in our cosmopolitan country”, Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister and one of Mrs Merkel’s closest allies, said as he announced the new policy.

“We all reject the full veil —  not only the burka but also other types of full veil that only leave the eyes visible. They have no place in our society.”  MORE

6 Comments on Germany proposes burka ban

  1. I propose a ban on muslims in the US. Deport them all. To the “good ones,” as my dad used to say, it’s too bad a few had to spoil it for everyone else. We’ve got too many people and unemployment the way it is. Buh bye!

  2. Keep attacking symptoms instead of the disease …

    Next, tell em they can’t scream “Ollie’s Snackbar!” while raping and killing krauts … they must rape and kill krauts in silence.

    Good plan, krauts … good plan.

    izlamo delenda est …

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