Breitbart- The State Department was unable to find any records showing that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton completed ethics training courses, as required by federal law.
Furthermore, no documentation was found for a bevy of top Clinton aides, including names familiar from the Clinton email scandal, such as Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan, Dennis Cheng, Anne Marie Slaughter, Phillippe Reines, Caitlin Klevorick, and Kris Bladerston.
The lack of ethics documentation was revealed by the Republican National Committee, which had to squeeze the admission out of the State Department with a lawsuit, after the department failed to comply with a Freedom of Information Act request. The RNC noted there is documentary evidence that Abedin was “notified by a State Department official in January 2013 that she had not completed her required annual ethics training,” and after some confusion, she promised to go online to complete the training, but State could find no evidence she actually did so. MORE
Where I work ethics are harped on continuously. We have continual mandatory ethics training. And I do feel my company is highly ethical, top to bottom.
The fact that the subject of ethics was completely ignored, shunned actually, is indicative of a mindset throughout the Obama/Clinton regime that ethical behavior was unimportant, and therefore unethical behavior is rife throughout government, top to bottom. But especially at the top.
Ethical choices, or even ethics per se, is a foreign concept to Cankles and Barky. The same pod they hatched from ignored that humanity section of their training. Had there been training in how to murder, how to lie, how to cheat, how to steal elections, and how to pull your pants down faster at the club baths, they would have excelled.
Ethics? Laws? Morons. That’s to keep the little people in line. Not us. We don’t need every Tom, Dick or Harry up and down the line vying for a cut of our action
Thats like a necklace of garlic to a vampire.
Give Ireland back to the Irish
Give Lapland back to the Laps
Give Yoko back to the Japs
Give the Chappaqunt back to Chappaqua
Not that ethics training would have made them ethical, but.
Wouldn’t there be a highly paid Compliance Officer of sorts who should be held accountable here? What are people being paid for?
Once again, I’ll bet there’s no consequences to anyone.
Perhaps Colin Powell told Hillary she didn’t need this training.
Honest people don’t need ethics training.
If you do not attend ethics training, you are not able to be held accountable for anything.
If Hillary wasn’t trained and her entire life consists of nothing but unethical actions how else can she determine what is right and wrong?
No big deal, they were just “careless”.
Even the professional and non-partisan FBI is extremely loose and careless when it comes to ethics…..
FBI Director James B. Comey said “the investigation was untainted by political influence”, but politics swayed their findings. Yeah, The FBI was Extremely Careless, Extremely partisan, extremely unprofessional and Extremely unethical.
Now look at the President’s office, DOJ, ATF, IRS, EPA, Dept. of State, DOD, Bureau of Land Mgt., Homeland Security, Immigration and customs enforcement and all the other federal alphabet agencies —- they missed the “Ethics” training too.
If they haven’t learned by now not act like worthless shithogs who don’t care about anyone but their damned selves, then I don’t think a 10 minute power point presentation is going to change anything.
They thought “mandatory” meant it was for men, who, as everyone knows, are innately unethical.
Oops, sock off/
If Hillary wants to kill someone in public she might as well do it now. Nobody will convict her of anything.