RNC Official at Trump’s Hispanic Meeting Debunks False BuzzFeed, Univision Reports that Donald Succumbed to Amnesty Activists – IOTW Report

RNC Official at Trump’s Hispanic Meeting Debunks False BuzzFeed, Univision Reports that Donald Succumbed to Amnesty Activists

Breitbart: A senior staffer at the Republican National Committee (RNC) told Breitbart News Saturday GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump did not say or suggest that he was open to granting any legal status–amnesty–to any illegal aliens in the United States at his campaign’s National Hispanic Advisory Council meeting as reported in BuzzFeed and Univision.

“Mr. Trump did not say he was in favor of legalization,” said Helen Aguirre-Ferre, who joined the RNC staff to help coordinate outreach to the Hispanic community and act as the GOP Hispanic communications director. Aguirre-Ferre told Breitbart News that she is Hispanic, but not a member of the advisory council. Her role was to help arrange the meeting and attend on behalf of the RNC.

Anyone at the meeting, held at Trump Tower, who got the impression that Trump had changed his position on foreigners in the United States illegally misinterpreted his remarks, she said.

“What Mr. Trump said was very clear,” she said. “Some folks talked about legalization, not citizenship, for the undocumented, Mr. Trump did not say he was in favor of legalization. Some folks may have felt that he was open to it–and he gave zero indication of that.”  MORE

11 Comments on RNC Official at Trump’s Hispanic Meeting Debunks False BuzzFeed, Univision Reports that Donald Succumbed to Amnesty Activists

  1. Sadly, if anything is reported by the Lame Stream Media nowadays, it is presumably a lie. Their credibility is in the gutter along with themselves, and they cannot get up or get it back. Their whole reason for being is lost and gone. Now they pay the price for their duplicity, lies, and misdirections. “Leave your coins on the dresser, and get your sorry ass out the door,” little dick muthafcukas.

  2. @Bad_Brad – I noticed that when Trump announced in June 2015 and stopped watching. I now watch Fox Business during day but only watch Lou Dobbs for news update at 7PM

  3. PageTurner.

    It seemed to get a little better right after he one the nomination and now it’s worse than ever. They have guests on Media Buzz that make Carl Rove sound like a freind. I agree on Fox Biz.

  4. Trump has been all over the map on this issue.
    The release of a detailed policy paper, like the one he is releasing on Thursday, should put a lot of peoples minds at ease.

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