When it comes to ignoring suffering, Obama doesn’t discriminate – IOTW Report

When it comes to ignoring suffering, Obama doesn’t discriminate

PatriotRetort: When I saw the news that Obama’s DOJ sent a memo warning Louisiana not to discriminate when providing Federal disaster assistance, I about blew a gasket.

These people are so obsessed with race, it is getting in the way of them doing their jobs.

Not to mention, it’s getting in the way of Americans living their lives.

Sure, Obama may be ignoring the suffering in Louisiana, but fear not, my friends. He is ignoring blacks and whites equally.

Yup. No discrimination whatsoever. Black, white, brown — none of you matter to him.

Meanwhile, in Louisiana, regular folks are helping regular folks. They are not judging them on the color of their skin, but on the content of their need.

This may come as a shock to those who buy into this racialist agenda, but Americans are like that. MORE

5 Comments on When it comes to ignoring suffering, Obama doesn’t discriminate

  1. This is such a great post.
    The other night Mrs. Curtain and I were out having dinner and the restaurant was filled with all kinds of people. The customers were from many different races, as were the staff. Everyone was having a good time, just enjoying the food and the company of their families and I only thought of it because, on our own, we Americans all get along pretty damn well. Despite being told daily to hate and envy each other.
    It’s only in the enclaves of Obama Indoctrination that people are miserable, angry and race obsessed.

  2. My friends and family are not white, black, brown or any other color, they are friends and family. Americans (not hyphenated) are simply Americans, we are blessed to live in the US during this time in our National history.

  3. i and my son have suddenly decided we need to arm ourselves…….

    what’s up with THAT??

    well, it’s because we need to arm ourselves……i HATE it…..but it’s true…..THEY are already armed, and THEY are getting closer all the time……..

    and by “they,” i do not mean any particular racial group – i mean a particular POLITICAL ALLIANCE that wants to wipe people like me off their electoral map…..they exhibit all colors of skin, but only ONE color of DOCTRINE…..RED, as in communist…..

    one of the weirdest things in history is when the news media decided to switch “red” democrats to “blue” democrats, and make RED the color of conservatives……google the old electoral maps from the 80s……you can see a whole BLUE country voting for reagan, except for the red idiots who voted for mondale……

    but red means commies or danger or wrong answer……so now, the democrats get to be the BLUES…….and the “bad guys” get to be the red team…….


    but don’t worry……all us ole folks who remember these things will die off pretty soon, and you’ll be able to live in your own special safe space socialist paradise pretty soon…..just like they’re doing in venezuela RIGHT NOW…..just like they did in all them wonderful soviet societies……just like why they had to build a wall to keep EAST GERMANS from escaping to WEST GERMANY…..because EAST GERMANY was SOOOOOOOO wonderful…..

    but, of course, we do realize the DIFERENCE!!!

    THIS TIME, the RIGHT PEOPLE will be in charge, and IT WILL WORK!!!!

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