Alaska Town Votes to ‘Relocate’ Because of Global Warming – IOTW Report

Alaska Town Votes to ‘Relocate’ Because of Global Warming

DML: A small village in Alaska, known as Shishmaref, has decidedly voted to relocate their entire town because global warming is putting its residents at risk of being washed away. This simplified narrative of the town’s uprooting is one environmentalists and the liberal media is trying to push, making the town a “poster child” for their global warming agenda.

A small town of nearly 600 people just north of the Bering Strait, Shishmaref is apparently being threatened by erosion and storm surge due to melting of Arctic sea ice. Earlier this week, the town held a vote, with a majority deciding relocation. The problem?They have no idea where they’re going, or how they’ll even pay for it.

However, the minor thought to chalk up Shishmaref’s demise to global warming is childish. The town itself was built on easily meltable permafrost in the 20th century, making it not the most suitable or safest choice for settlement. On top of that, the technology for advanced infrastructure would not be able to withstand the permafrost melt as well as the shrinking of the sea ice. Plus, back then, global warming was not even a subject of discussion.  MORE

8 Comments on Alaska Town Votes to ‘Relocate’ Because of Global Warming

  1. The shish-kabobs can move anywhere they please, so long as it’s not to my state. We’ve seen too many transplants who bring their politics they flee from and vote accordingly.
    They don’t know how they’ll pay to relocate? Just start a GoFundMe page. That seems to part many fools from their money.

  2. Cry me a river.
    A magnitude of a hundred beautiful locales across the West became ghost towns when the railroads switched from coal to diesel decades ago.
    A bunch of yokels want to abandon their rotting trailers; they can claim allegiance to Allah in a letter campaign to Teh Won.

  3. The efficiency of the government is revealed:
    $320,000 per resident.
    Another group wanting free shit for making a bad decision…..Kind like living in a flood plain or on a beach, losing your house 4 times, the government and insurance replaces it each time and now you loose your house the 5th time and wanting the government to pay you to rebuild in the same place.
    When I relocated, no one paid me to relocate and they damn sure didn’t build me a new house. Nope not even a low interest loan……It has everything to do with personal responsibility, not the responsibility of government.

  4. “$320,000 per resident”

    Par for the course. Alaska is full of villages with 50 to a 100 residents that didn’t exist at the beginning of the last century that have 10 to 20 million dollar airports. Most of these villages are where they are because that’s where some government bureaucrat decided to put a school there for a nomadic people and then made it mandatory that their children attend. The major economy in nearly all these villages is government dependency disguised in various ways.

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