A bad case of the Grumpy Uglies – IOTW Report

A bad case of the Grumpy Uglies

PatriotRetort: There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing voter enthusiasm being tamped down, not by the other side, but by people who are supposed to be on our side. Honestly, these #NeverTrump folks have a bad case of the Grumpy Uglies.

Why do you think I call them Team Eeyore?

The most important ingredient in an election is voter enthusiasm. It’s vital. If voters aren’t excited about a candidate they are less likely to get out and vote.

Right now, there is precious little enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton. People don’t trust her. They don’t particularly like her. She can’t fill up a high school gymnasium without making the students fill up the empty seats.

Why do you think the Enslaved Press is constantly running stories about Trump “unraveling?” They can’t generate excitement for a dud like Hillary, so they’re trying to discourage you.

The only chance Hillary Clinton has of winning is if the Enslaved Press can dampen the enthusiasm for Donald Trump.

What makes it all the more irritating is the sourpusses in the #NeverTrump movement have joined the effort to dispirit you. They’re like our own personal black cloud hovering overhead looking to rain on any potential parade.

Truth is, there is quite a lot that has happened these last couple weeks to give Trump supporters reason to be enthusiastic. He has hit more than a couple home runs.   MORE

26 Comments on A bad case of the Grumpy Uglies

  1. Hey, I LIKE Eeyore. Why team Rabbit? He’s the tightwad of the group.
    [I do know of a few people like you’re referring to though, I tend to tune them out unless they get LOUD.]

  2. My favorite partS:

    “Truth is, over the last several weeks, I have gone from a grudging Trump voter to an enthusiastic Trump supporter. That kind of enthusiasm is the key to victory in November.

    I am thrilled that Trump is making the case to black voters. It’s about damn time a Republican candidate laid out the facts about the destruction the Democrat Party has caused in black communities.

    But as soon as I start voicing approval, Team Eeyore turns up to lift their leg on the enthusiasm and piss all over it.

    Whenever Trump supporters have reason to celebrate, the #NeverTrumpers mope in, drop their pants and shit on the cake.

    They can’t help themselves.

    If you point out polling that shows Hillary’s lead has all but evaporated, in come the #NeverTrumpers dragging their soaking wet blanket behind them.

    The only time I see them brimming with excitement is when Hillary is doing well in the polls.
    Do they want Trump to lose?
    Yes! They do!

    Don’t let these naysayers with a bad case of the Grumpy Uglies get you down.
    Deprive them of the satisfaction of crapping on your enthusiasm.”

  3. I’ve never been as engaged in politics as this election. Always voted, most often without much enthusiasm. I vacillated between Cruz and Trump and the more I researched, settled on Trump (WITHOUT APOLOGIES) early on. I decided I wanted a fighter who would turn over the tables not pound on them.

    Heck, I’ve even taken the courses to serve as a poll worker this election.
    I think I was in the right class. Sign on the door read “Pole Workers” workshop.

  4. There’s nothing new about the Never_ scumbags. They are with us every election. I remember in 2012 it was NeverRomney. They were all over the internet trying to dampen enthusiasm for romney “He’s just like obama”, “There’s no difference between them” “he invented obamacare” “Vote third party or stay home” The drumbeat was constant.
    The “Never_” against the republican nominee have been around forever and the only time they were right was in 1976 when the republicans should have nominated Ronald Reagan instead of Gerald Ford. They were responsible for Ross Perot in 1992 and gave us the clintons. They were back again in 1996 against Bob Dole giving clinton his second term.
    And again in 2000 against g w bush almost electing al gore. The only time they were quiet was in 2004. But they were back again in 2008 against john mccain.
    The difference this time is that because of Donald Trump they have the spotlight and the support of the butthurt republican establishment (including romney and mccain ironically) -that’s afraid of becoming irrelevant- and they are just eating it up. They love all of the attention they are suddenly getting and just can’t let it go.

  5. Anyone happen to catch Glenn Pecker on Megyn Kelly last night?
    Beck The Doughy Fag© was failing miserably excoriating The Donald. He thinks Trump is the worst thing since Lucifer. By the way, being a Mor(m)on, Beck believes Jesus and Satan are brothers so Glenn’s opinions on anything doen’t hold Hillary’s waste water. I didn’t hear much what he said because I was too busy telling him to do perverted things to himself. He said Trump was acting like he was in third grade. Yeah. Coming from a guy who rolled his face in a bowl of Cheetos to mock Trump.

    NEWSFLASH GLENNY. Mormons don’t go have celestial sex and rule over a planet for eternity after they die. They hang out with F.D.R. and have Joseph Smith tell them that he was full of 💩. Just like you. And those glasses you wear don’t hide the dumb. Got your Home Depot bucket handy? You’re gonna need it to catch all your sissy tears after election day when Trump wins a$$hole.

  6. There have always been two ways to elevate oneself in business and politics.
    #1 Accentuate you character, knowledge and experience.
    If you lack these three elements:
    #2 violate what character you may possess; assault and tear down others around you which falsely gives the appearance of your elevation.

  7. All the nevertrump dummies & some talk radio dummies (you know who you are) have said hold your nose & vote McCain, then it was hold your nose & vote a straight GOP ticket.
    This time the NEVERTRUMP CHUMPS need to hold their noses & vote for the guy who thankfully eliminated that retard Jeb Bush, isn’t afraid of Hamrod, & knows how to actually read a financial statement that consolidates multiple entities.

  8. These NeverTrumpers…we want names, addresses, phone numbers, SS#s, bank accounts, birth certificates, adoption papers, asylum release documents, terms of surrender, saved Bazooka Joe comics, etc.

    The trucks are on the way.

  9. The Never Trumpers make me sick!!!!….They know that the Hilldebeast is evil incarnate but they worry about Trump….the best analogy here is being submerged in quicksand with only a straw to breathe….the Never Trumpers want to just pull that straw….the part of the straw is being played by Donald J. Trump

  10. SineWaveII, there’s EVERYTHING new about this crowd, this time around, including but not limited to:
    Their core consists of the Establishment GOP.
    They have coopted a number of Right wing blogs.

    You cannot equate this bunch with the detractors of McCain and Romney.
    Or, are you willfully doing so to minimize their threat?

  11. #NeverTrump-ers are fifth columnists in the employ of the National and Inter-National Socialists; funded by Soros, and supporting the Globaloney-ists.

    There is no other rational explanation for their rabid Anti-American stance.

    Do they want ISIS to prevail?
    Do they want America overrun by illegal-alien-invading-rat-people?
    Do they want America to stay weak and sidelined in the International arena?
    Do they want a nuclearized Iran?
    Do they want a $20 Trillion debt?
    Do they want to continue to force American companies overseas?
    Do they want to see Israel destroyed?
    Do they want a Sino-Russian Axis?

    Well? Then, what dafuq’s up widdat?

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Czar: No, they are a very grave threat. As I pointed out the difference this time is that they have the backing of the establishment and the media. So they are louder and even more dangerous than usual. But the reason they don’t go away is that they have the spotlight, and they just can’t let it go, they know that as soon they start backing Trump their moment in the limelight is over and they have to go back to being nobodies.
    I also wasn’t equating the detractors of mccain and romney with the nevertrumpers. I was saying that the nevertrumpers INCLUDE the detractors of mccain and romney and that’s ironic since the group also includes mccain and romney themselves.
    But I have been following politics since lyndon johnson and I’m telling you that there always seems to be a group who believes that the republican nominee isn’t good enough and starts making up excuses not to support them. I’ve suspected that actual leaders of this group work directly for the democrats. Since there never seems to be a similar group on the other side.
    I believe it started with Richard Nixon when the NeverNixon group supported George Wallace (a democrat) because Nixon wasn’t “republican enough”.
    The thing that makes neverTrump different and more dangerous than the other “never___s” is that this time they have the support of the media and the republican party establishment and they are able to do really stupid things like field a candidate whose only purpose is to stop the republican nominee from winning just so they can “be right” and say “I told you so”.

  13. From The NY Post 8/9/16
    “Liberal Elitism Won’t Defeat Trump.”
    “Donald Trump may be dropping in the polls, but E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post warns that “understanding what still attracts many voters” to him is important–not just to this election “but also to anyone who wants to make our democracy thrive in the long run.”
    It’s partly economic, partly “an angry…backlash to cultural changes since the 1970s.” Says Dionne: Writing off Trump voters as unenlightened and backward-looking is to engage in the very same kind of bigoted behavior that we condemn in other spheres.”
    Not a bad observation for a liberal democrat.

  14. SineWaveII,

    “…the difference this time is that they have the backing of ARE the establishment….”

    Fixed it for you.

    And, the media has *always* been against the (R) candidate, so that’s nothing “new.” The only thing “new” is the intensity of the distortions, double standards, and the utter Göbbels-like lies.

    To the contrary, the NeverTrump groups are virtually VOID of detractors of mccain and romney (NeverTrumpers being GOP Establishment (GOPe) tools almost exclusively), and you confirm this by correctly pointing out that the group also includes McCain and Romney themselves.

    Yes, the “UniParty Premise” does indeed come to the fore this election, as the GOPe has dropped almost all pretense of being anything but a potemkin “opposition” to the Dems.

    Again, to emphasize: “they have the support of <b<ARE the media and the republican party establishment.” Don’t be fooled by the sock puppet…it’s the same hand.

  15. I recently got an email from a friend that doesn’t really follow politics but was considering NOT voting for Trump. She had just watched an interview with Trump by David Feherty of the Golf Channel (of all places). She told me how impressed she was with him in this interview and how “human” he seemed. She was impressed and surprised at how different he was from how the media was portraying him. Another mind has been changed. I think this will happen more and more the closer we get to the election.

    In case you haven’t seen the interview:


  16. MJA — I’m going to go against the grain on this. #NT are a dying breed this cycle. In the grand scheme, they are shrinking rapidly in number, not growing. Every week there are very public or very quiet occurrences of former #NT (well-known and otherwise) slipping in behind Trump. And the ones holding out are being winnowed down to people like Beck who we recognize as utter fruitcakes. The one switcher who I was concerned about the most was Robert Mercer and his friends. It’s always good to have a campaign war chest with lots of money, but now that Mercer is a Trump funder, he is being described in the most comely, conservative terms.

    Killery has spend some 125M+ on negative Trump ads this cycle. Trump, up until his first anti-killery ad last week, spent $0 on anti-killery, and his popularity continues to climb. The exact same thing as what happened in the primaries.

    The big difference in this GE is Trump has lassoed a real grassroots movement. His voters and supporters are his weapon. You couldn’t hold them back from spreading the word far and wide if you paid them — they wouldn’t take your money.

    I think our bewilderment over the betrayal of #NT is owed to our misunderstanding of who they really are. They are not R’s but globalist shills — either intentionally or naively following the old guard.

  17. Abigail, I wish it were just Glennda…

    …but I think, among the constipated are still

    Right Scoop
    Daily Wire/Ben Shapiro
    Reaganite Republican Independent (his own change)
    Kemberlee Kaye of Legal Insurrection
    not to mention countless halfhearted/lukewarm sites like
    HotAir, etc etc

    spewing the bile and deflating the motivation at every turn.

    Just gotta call ’em out whenever possible.

  18. CoD — But that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Most voters don’t pay attention to blogs. They would never understand why some of us follow the writings of people with names like “Sooper Mexican” or “Big Fur Hat.” Hard to imagine, I know. 😉 Or if they do, they know the ones who are rabid #NT and avoid them altogether. I NEVER go to any of the sites you list.

    One thing the legacy media has done — just as the old Republican party has done — is to show their unambiguous true colors, so that now the battle cry is “Do your job!” Whatever integrity the MSM might have tried to fake is now out there for all to see. That’s a good thing. And it is following for the bloggers, too. They made a bad call and are sticking with it. It’s so much easier to ID them when they never waver from their message.

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