“Good Morning America” co-anchor Amy Robach has apologized for saying “colored people” – IOTW Report

“Good Morning America” co-anchor Amy Robach has apologized for saying “colored people”

Please keep in mind that while Robach is chastised and forced to apologize for saying “Colored People,” the NAACP  uses it in their title yet they get no grief.

NAACP logo

This logo is on the header of their website. When will the NAACP apologize for it?

Read on:

NEW YORK (AP) — “Good Morning America” co-anchor Amy Robach has apologized for saying “colored people” on Monday’s broadcast of the ABC program.

Her use of the term sparked criticism on social media. “Offensive,” tweeted one viewer. Another said Robach “gets a pass this time” but vowed to ditch “GMA” for a rival morning program if it happened again.

During a segment on diversity in Hollywood, Robach, who was substituting for Robin Roberts, noted recent criticism for casting white actors “in what one might assume should be a role reserved for colored people.”

After the broadcast, Robach released a statement explaining she had meant to say “people of color.”  MORE

51 Comments on “Good Morning America” co-anchor Amy Robach has apologized for saying “colored people”

  1. I don’t see a difference between colored people, and people of color. Same damn words, just arranged differently. Morons will force other morons to apologize for the stupidest reasons.

  2. NAACP can’t rename themselves to “NAAPC” (National Association for the Advancement of People of Color” because then they would have to admit Latinos, Asians and Indians. Racists.

  3. So “colored people” is offensive, but “people of Color” is not?
    We’re getting nowhere folks, absofucinglutely nowhere. This silly bullshit will probably go on for weeks.

  4. When I was a kid, the appellation most acceptable to “Afro-Americans” (there wasn’t even such a term then, to the best of my knowledge) was “colored person”, or “person of color”. Hence the NAACP. “Negro” was OK, but you mostly saw as a descriptive term in newspapers and magazines (e.g. – “The victim was a young Negro male…”). “Black” was considered insulting, and pretty much on a par with using the N-word. I might add that the N-word had a LOT less impact then than it does today, and you would hear it often in working-class conversations, from both whites and blacks. I do recall that normally it was considered very impolite for a white person to use the term around black people, unless of course, there was an argument going on. Then all bets were off.

    Anyway, times and terms change; people don’t.


  5. Oops, Dianny. How about we all go back to Negro with a capital N?
    Like as in “The United Negro College Fund.” A mind is a terrible thing to waste, remember? Seems to me there are a lot of wasted minds dealing with this noun. When will it end?

  6. Christian band DC Talk has a song called Colored People – do they have to apologize for that now? Like Fred Sanford said – “Yeah they were colored….colored white!!”

  7. Ah, yes, the pretentious “people of color” gig. Most of us youngsters in the 60s were down with the struggle of the “colored people” but they lost us in the eighties when they started actually believing Jesse and Al, insisting on the P of C and like labels and doing the thug act, etc, etc. The most heinous crime (I’m being a bit hyperbolic here) was using rap as the weapon of choice to kill Motown. A piece of cultural suicide. Un-freaking-forgivable. Look where it has gotten them – a parasitical culture within a culture that hates the host but can’t exist without it. Where, exactly, do we go from here? The term “colored people” ought to be the least of anyone’s concerns. Rant on, Garth.

    A palate cleanser from a day when “colored people” had heart and soul:


  8. It’s hard to see the commotion over saying “colored people” as opposed to “people of color.” If we’re talking about “people of color,” doesn’t that include whites? Or is black a color and white isn’t? What’s wrong with just saying blacks? People call white people “whites.”

    It all sounds like a bunch of malarky to me.

  9. ChiGuy. How about the Irish, Italians, etc.? They have a color too.
    I know, this is all very silly, but we have to play along with the children. Amy Robach is most likely a Jewish American Princess, full of white privilege guilt, and simply “devastated” for using the word “colored” THE WRONG WAY!
    Get over it Amy. There is nothing to apologize for, except that you lack knowledge and courage.

  10. Another said Robach “gets a pass this time” but vowed to ditch “GMA” for a rival morning program if it happened again. Well of COURSE they’re going to give her a pass. She’s a Democrat! If she were a Republican they’d have charged her with a hate crime.

  11. @F.N. Idiot “It’s a carefully thought-out plan to make you wrong no matter what you say.”

    Yup. Black, colored, negro, . . .they can’t decide.

    I think they want to be called ‘terrorist’ nowadays.

  12. I almost forgot: Back in the day, the large size (64) box of Crayolas (that my parents told me was too expensive and I didn’t need) had a whitish-pinkish color crayon called “flesh”, and in the late 50’s Johnson & Johnson introduced the “flesh-colored” Band-Aid (before that they were snow white). As a kid, I always wondered what the colored people thought about those products. Like maybe they felt left out or something.

    Ya know…?


  13. I thought pigmentation challenged was correct.
    I can’t keep up, hell you can’t even call a man, a man or a woman, a women any more. Damn snowflakes want a new name for every heterosexual and pervert out there.

  14. Serves her right you never say colored people because colored people don’t like it when you call them colored people so please refrain from calling them colored people so that they the colored people don’t get mad at you for calling them colored people, so no more calling the colored people colored people ok!

  15. Advancement? Where the hell has the NAACP been the last 30 years? Crickets on the Chicago, Chirac, south and west side black on black shootings. Nothing on the rising and already out of control black youth unemployment rate. Or anything else.
    The list goes on. So do the problems. Advancement.

    The only thing out of the NAACP the last few decades has been protest and cries odf victimization.

  16. @Vietvet. Its always struck me odd that the NBA, for example hasn’t demanded darker toned bandade type products. I’ve seen plenty of players (saying non-White would state the obvious) with “Flesh” colored banded on various limbs and skulls and thought wtf?

    The 64 color box was “it” back then. Had to have it.

  17. I remember watching Redd Foxx doing his stand up and one segment was on “what do we call ourselves today?” He said from day to day I don’t know if I’m Black, Negro, Africa American, or what. I think I know one thing for sure is I’m just an old “Colored Person” so leave me alone!

  18. Chalupa, my son grew up listening to DC Talk. “Colored People’ was one of his favorite songs. “Train up a child in the way he should go…He will not depart from it” Poverbs 22:6 – very true!

  19. From negros, which is the correct scientific term, to colored people (in the 50’s), to spades and blacks (in the 60’s), to African Americans there after. I’m tired of tap-dancing and wearing kid gloves around these people. They’re Mr. and Mrs. American when they are upstanding citizens, and niggers when they are tainted by progressivism and riot.

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