Elbert Guillory: Obama Turns ‘Blind Eye’ To Poor Black People In Louisiana – IOTW Report

Elbert Guillory: Obama Turns ‘Blind Eye’ To Poor Black People In Louisiana

Breitbart: Former Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory has accused President Barack Obama of turning a “blind eye” to the flooding in the state, saying he does not seem to care about the plight of poor black people.

Speaking to guest host, Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam on Breitbart News Sunday, Senator Guillory questioned why President Obama could not cut short his golfing vacation to help out in the flood-hit state.

“It’s difficult to understand why he could not break from his vacation and his golfing and come to Louisiana,” Senator Gilroy said.

When Kassam quoted Kanye West, who said in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 that former president George W. Bush’s response showed he did not care about Black people, Senator Guillory said the same could be said of President Obama.

“Under [Obama’s] administration he bailed out the banks, he bailed out Wall Street, but Black unemployment is the highest it has been since the Great Depression,” he said.

“More than 60 per cent of our students, sometimes as many as 90 in urban areas, cannot read and write at grade level.”

Senator Guillory switched from the Democrats to the Republicans in 2013, releasing a video in which he condemned his former party of keep poor Black “enslaved” through government handouts.  MORE

11 Comments on Elbert Guillory: Obama Turns ‘Blind Eye’ To Poor Black People In Louisiana

  1. Nice suit Mr. Guillory! Only thing is he shouldn’t match the pocket square with the necktie. Classy. Leave it to a classy dude to see through Obama’s crappy character.

  2. Everybody seems to have forgotten that many American Blacks were initially wary of Presidential candidate Obama because he did not share their (former slave) heritage. They thought perhaps he would not identify with them because of his different ancestry.

    Turns out that maybe…just maybe…


  3. “The left is so over the top batshit crazy.

    On the one hand Bush was an imbecile.
    On the other he could produce 9/11 and hurricanes. ”
    – LocoBlancoSaltine

    Yes, the same person, in one sitting mind you, would describe him as a total idiot and in the next breath say he is a mastermind of destruction behind the scenes.

    If they had even just a smidgen of cognitive dissonance over holding so many contradicting views at once, the world would be a better place.




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