Some of Clinton Emails ‘Classified’ Simply to Avoid Embarrassment – IOTW Report

Some of Clinton Emails ‘Classified’ Simply to Avoid Embarrassment

LawNewz: Congressman Jason Chaffetz on Monday appeared onMorning Joe where he discussed the materials gathered by the FBI during its year-long probe of Hillary Clinton’s private server.

After spending the first half of the segment discussing new reports about the Clinton Foundation, Chaffetz was asked whether he had seen the materials the FBI turned over to Congress late last week.

Chaffetz said he had seen only some of them and then reiterated some of the same problems Sen. Chuck Grassley mentioned last week about the documents being commingled — classified and unclassified materials together.  He then mentioned two additional issues that he has with the materials.

First, Chaffetz said the materials contained “a high level of redactions.”

“Hillary Clinton is out there saying there’s not very much sensitive information in there, that she didn’t trade in sensitive classified information. It’s so sensitive and so classified that even I as the chairman of the Oversight Committee don’t have the high level of clearance to see what’s in those materials,” Chaffetz told the panel.

Although, he did also mention a belief that some of the materials appear to be over-classified, but not for the same reasons Clinton’s campaign has alleged.  Chaffetz believes many of the materials are classified at low levels simply to avoid embarrassment.  He also said lawmakers plan to work with the FBI this week to make as many of the materials public as possible.  more

12 Comments on Some of Clinton Emails ‘Classified’ Simply to Avoid Embarrassment

  1. Hillary’s right in there with the bunch
    see vid at link):

    “The Enemies Within” profiles fourteen Senators and more than fifty Representatives. Their ties to Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Workers World Party, the Institute for Policy Studies, Council for a Livable World and other radical anti-American organizations.”

  2. Czar, that is the most devastating anti-Hillary cartoon I have ever seen. Every lttle detail is a cutting shard of glass. The “email” syringe…man that’s cold.

    This, and the backstory, need to be frontpaged here. Get this guy famous before he has a heart attack in obscurity.

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