The target for outrage over EpiPen is senator Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) daughter – IOTW Report

The target for outrage over EpiPen is senator Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) daughter

NYT: WASHINGTON — A bipartisan group of senators pressing on Wednesday for an explanation of the skyrocketing cost of the EpiPen, a lifesaving injection device for those with severe allergies, found themselves directing their outrage toward an inconvenient target: the daughter of Senator Joe Manchin III.

Mr. Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, is the father of Heather Bresch, the chief executive of Mylan, a pharmaceutical company under fire over steep price increases as families and others who rely on its EpiPens stock up for a new school year.  MORE

15 Comments on The target for outrage over EpiPen is senator Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) daughter

  1. It is called gouging, and it is also called extortion. Get a rope. The first child that is severely harmed or dies because of these greedy Democrats should lead to the arrest and conviction of this sow. Human lives in America do not matter to these boards and chief moneygrabbers, so shut them down.

  2. Just what is it that makes the company’s monopoly “virtual?” I don’t think adrenalin is patent protected, and I know that self-injection systems have been around for decades. Why is there no one under-cutting Mylan’s price?

  3. You can bet that if there’s profit to be made from the misery of others, a Democrat is involved, and of course, caused the misery in the first place.

    It’s how they roll.

    I read that they’re going to cut the costs on the epipen by 50%…that’s NOT enough.

  4. I don’t know what it’s like in the states but up here warm and fuzzy advertisements have exploded in the last few days. They’re on in prime time, late night, overnight pretty well all the time. She’s not the only one that has done this. Remember that AID’s drug that was relatively cheap but rocketed up in price what the company was bought by some hedge fund. I suspect that this happens more often then we think and is at least partly to blame for insurance rates. If you’re a drug manufacturing firm the public expects you to make a bunch of money on successful drugs because they know how many hundreds of millions that are spent and lost on drugs that don’t make it to market. This however is different and the public is so enraged that the lawmakers make actually investigate. In the meantime it’s fun to see Machin with his feet to the fire because of his daughters greed.

  5. You can surely bet that good ol’ US federal regulation is the root cause of this. Epipens are realistically a commodity item given the active ingredient. Why are there no competitors? Apparently some have been removed from the market, one wonders how much influence Mylan had on those decisions.
    I saw in one story that you can make your own epinephrine injections for about $4. I understand from an ease of use standpoint why Epipens are popular, but there should be competition to drive the price down.

  6. obamacare fixed all this!!
    The FDA blocked Milan’s Competition so no kidding she is going to raise prices. Blaming congress is rich. How about we find out why FDA blocked the other company from manufacturing it. Maybe her Democrat Senator Dad had something to do with it???

  7. isn’t it interesting that all this becomes national breaking news just days after senator manchin publicly refused to support dearest hillary???

    ……just another one of them “coincidences”………

  8. For a mere $10M in small bills donated to the Clinton Cartel (aka, foundation) this will all go away. Funny how that works. Cankles pulls the plug on the price gouging with her complicit MSM. So there, serves him right for not backing Madame Hippohips. Now he can eat her shitpickle. What is forgotten by M. Hippohips is the simple equation she is tauting: Greed= Epipen gouging= Democrat inspired and abetted= Cankles Clinton. That is sort of like a circular firing squad. It is gradually becoming obvious, Cankle’s inner circle of advisors don’t like her much, either.

  9. Interesting fact:

    An AR-15, costs less that$600. Anti-gun Manchin wants to ban the AR-15.

    The Epipen, at one time costing $94, now costs more than an AR-15.

    Both are used to save lives. Why ban one and promote the other?

    Because Manchin and his family don’t stand to gain any money, power or control over the populace by promoting the legitimate purpose of having an AR-15.

    You see, guns give the populace latent power over the government.

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