Dr. Kelli Ward Squares Off Against John McCain in AZ Primary – IOTW Report

Dr. Kelli Ward Squares Off Against John McCain in AZ Primary

Breitbart: On August 30th, Arizona Republicans will head to the polls to decide whether they will continue to allow Senator John McCain to represent them in Washington, D.C. For more than three decades McCain has been a central figure in the DC establishment and his campaign is bolstered by big money from the permanent political class. He has used that money to ruthlessly attack his anti-establishment primary challenger, former State Senator Dr. Kelli Ward.

Dr. Ward has run the kind of gritty grassroots campaign that has defeated other longtime incumbents like Dick Lugar and Eric Cantor. Bolstered by an army of activists, volunteers, and anti-establishment groups Dr. Ward has tirelessly traveled the state in a warped RV for nearly two years. In March, Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz received more than 70% of the vote and Dr. Ward is counting on an anti-establishment surge to overcome being dramatically outspent by McCain and his money groups.

There have been several positive developments for Dr. Ward’s campaign since the last legitimate poll was conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) in May. That poll showed Dr. Ward tied with McCain in a heads up race 41% – 41% but trailing 39% – 26% when several lesser known candidates were included. Two of the three candidates splitting the vote have left the race, with Scott McBean failing to turn in enough signatures to make the ballot and Alex Meluskey suspending his campaign just before early voting started on August 3rd. Although Meluskey’s name will still appear on the ballot, the primary race has boiled down to Ward vs McCain.  MORE

18 Comments on Dr. Kelli Ward Squares Off Against John McCain in AZ Primary

  1. If Keating 5 Boy gets reelected, and Hillary wins, he’s going to be right back on top. He’s going to be one of her key allies. They’ll sit and drink, and talk shit about their campigns against Obama. And do a little grifting and graft, of course. Gonna be some good times.

  2. The gang of 14… may he rot.
    I blame him for Obama winning in the first place. He fired a staffer for using Obama’s full name. When I heard that I knew he was going to hand the election over to Obama. It is high time for McCain to be shown the door.

  3. Hopefully she’ll give a better return on my investment than Nehlen was against Paul Ryan. Gave both the same amount of dough on the same night.
    I’ll sit on my wallet until Tuesday.

    The R that prevails will win AZ.

    Cmon AZ. Time to clean up the mess McCain has made.

  4. Honestly I don’t see it happening here unfortunately. McCain has a lot support from
    Republicans where I live in AZ. And the number of Hispanic voters has skyrocketed since 2012. Not to mention the influx of California liberals. Personally I will vote for the democrat if McCain wins primary I loathe him

  5. @listingstarboard

    Eyes on the prize amigo. McCain is the suckiest of dick sucking suck monsters. But he’s one of 100 senators and control of the senate is vital.
    Go Kelli but there is a larger prize at stake. It’s just a matter of mathematics. Control of the senate is crucial. McCain can drool into his oatmeal as he’s just a place holder.

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