AmericanThinker: In late 2013, President Barack Obama signed legislation aimed at increasing the nationwide availability of epinephrine in schools. After passage of The School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act, twelve states now require schools to stock this medication, while, with the exception of Hawaii, forty-seven states recommend making it available.
Epinephrine helps prevent adverse reactions and even fatalities in children with severe allergic reactions that result in anaphylaxis. The School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act structured the legislation as an incentive rather than as a mandate; however, states that require schools to maintain a supply of the medication delivered through an EpiPen and permit trained school personnel to administer it will receive preference for federal asthma treatment grants.
Today, the largest supplier of EpiPen to schools, hospitals, and individuals, with 95% market share, is a Netherlands-based public company called Mylan Laboratories. Mylan, on August 24, 2016, came under intense criticism from members of Congress, Democrats, and Hillary Clinton. This criticism centers on the fourfold price increase, from 2012 to 2016, of the company’s easy-to-administer EpiPen device to approximately $640.
How did this come about, and who is really to blame for the price level of EpiPens in the United States? How should we award innovative market-dominant companies that produce life-saving products that are safe and easy to administer?
The answers can be divided into regulatory overreach, market demand created by the regulators, and the opaque nature of pricing within the drug distribution channels
I read this on American Thinker. The author leaves out that the CEO of Mylan is the daughter of Sen Manchin. It also fails to mention that it was SHE who lobbied for the federal bill.
This is crony socialism in action. Capture the politicians and bureaucrats. Write regulations that restrict your competition and enrich your company at the taxpayer or consumer’s expense.
These pens cost less than $2 to make and have been around for 20 years. Epinephrine has been around much, much longer.
There is NO EXCUSE for this type of price gouging. There’s only the explanation that in socialism a handful get very rich while everyone else gets very poor.
So basically the government horribly distorted the market on both the supply side and the demand side, and now they’re blaming the market for their own meddling. This is why fascists let private businesses exist. Otherwise, the government would have to blame itself.
PS – Manchin 3 days ago said he can’t support Clinton. Mylan has donated $250K to the Clinton Foundation and their lobbyist has bundled money for her campaign.
This is the Clinton Mafia at work. You go against their interests – no matter how correct and moral your reasons – and they’ll use what they have to ruin you, your family, your associates.
I’m not condoning the socialist cronyism. Just showing how it works and why the Clintons get away with all the crime and sleeze year after year.
If the author is correct that manufacturing cost hasn’t increased and despite the price increases hasn’t appreciably increased profitability then it’s the rebate program or the books are being cooked.
Manchin’s daughter is an eggplant. She got busted for NOT having a Masters Degree from WVU, which she said she had after only taking a few courses. I don’t mind watching her squirm, but KLIN – TON II will undoubtedly bail her out… 🙄
let me take you down cuz we’re going to Strawberry Fields where nothing is real….
Who knows what the facts are but all of the players have gaming us forever. Remember how Daddy Manchin posed as a democrat opposed to obamacare? Then he opposed the decimation of the coal industry?
Everyone involved is a lying manipulative fraud. Manchin’s daughter knows to play the game for personal fortune.
Everyone involved is dirty.
We need to find out what is causing these
many many allergies that are so common today.
Nobody was allergic to peanuts when I was a kid 1954.
Bee stings are another thing.
I took a first aid course a month ago, which included administration of an Epi-Pen. We were then told that CA law permits trained people like us to carry and administer Epi-Pens, usually only available to those who directly need them and can get a prescription. I had heard of the price gouging, wondered whether the motives were more humanitarian or profit.
American Thinker isn’t the quality it used to be. It’s pretty clear the current regime lined the pockets of a fellow dem’s daughter to keep him in line, and very, very likely get kickbacks from him into the DNC or selected races.
No mention of the federal government taking Primatine off the market because of climate change…ugh.
This all sounds incredibly like a big giant favor to Manchin and a company that is all in for the left’s agenda.
Over protective parents.
Kids today aren’t exposed to pathogens enough to build up resistance.
Interesting study here: