Obama’s nuclear deal having little effect on Iran’s “unsafe and unprofessional” behavior – IOTW Report

Obama’s nuclear deal having little effect on Iran’s “unsafe and unprofessional” behavior

WT: A pair of dangerously close encounters between the Iranian and U.S. navies in the Persian Gulf this week have raised fresh questions about Tehran’s intentions, a year after Obama administration officials hoped the much-touted nuclear deal would moderate the behavior of the Islamic republic and its military.

Iran’s military is going to “warn” and “confront” any foreign ships entering its territorial waters, the nation’s top defense official said Thursday, after four Iranian fast-attack craft buzzed the guided-missile destroyer USS Nitze in the Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday, and the USS Squall, a coastal patrol ship, fired three warning shots a day later to deter boats under the command of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard at the northern end of the heavily trafficked waterway.

Pentagon officials called the Iranian craft’s behavior “unsafe and unprofessional,” but the challenges on the high seas point to a bigger diplomatic headache over what Mr. Obama sees as a crowning achievement of his presidency.  MORE

4 Comments on Obama’s nuclear deal having little effect on Iran’s “unsafe and unprofessional” behavior

  1. After The Iranians blew up the Marine compound in Lebanon, Reagan sent our subs in and sank every single boat the Iranians had in retaliation. It never got covered by the media. Nobody ever knew we did it. The Iranians never bragged about it but that is how you handle those guys when you don’t have a traitor running the country.

  2. nope we are worried about using the word MAN in the Marine Corps.
    Or Getting transgender soldiers to have safe spaces.
    WTF commander in chief my ass.
    what an ass clown.

  3. The “deal” was: Iran gets to build their nukes and Obola gives em money – untraceable, so that they can finance ISIS.

    First time Valerie Jarrett’s had an orgasm since she took up with the Kenyan faggot.

    izlamo delenda est …

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