Huma’s muslim journal: Bill Clinton bombed Saddam to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal – IOTW Report

Huma’s muslim journal: Bill Clinton bombed Saddam to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal

DMUK: An article in the Muslim journal where Huma Abedin was assistant editor claimed Bill Clinton bombed Saddam Hussein to deflect from his Monica Lewinsky affair.

The claim made made in an article published in the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, where Abedin was a member of the editorial board – the group of people who decide what is published in the academic journal.

It is the latest bombshell to emerge from the archives of the journal, whose editor-in-chief is Abedin’s mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, an academic in Saudi Arabia.

Abedin, who is not an academic, has been Hillary Clinton’s closest aide since spending time as an intern at the White House, at exactly the time the Monica Lewinsky scandal was unfolding.

But the version of events published in her journal is one which is unlikely to be embraced by the presidential candidate, and especially not by Bill Clinton.


8 Comments on Huma’s muslim journal: Bill Clinton bombed Saddam to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal

  1. One day when WE ALL stand at the judgment seat to give
    an account of our lives– I hope and pray that God has
    counted me worthy to tread upon all the wicked to be
    ashes under the soles of my feet- Malachi 4:3.
    Liars and politicans come first..

  2. The Day before the House Impeachment vote of SlickWillie was when this POS prezzy decided to bomb Iraq. These two (Cankles and Slick) have been playing the country all their fetid lives. When caught with their junk in the wringer they toss firecrackers on stage and yell run for your lives. Time for some justice, America (start off arresting Loretta).

  3. We should move the white house to Texas and build a big fence around Washington, D.C. and make a national prison out of it before any of them have a chance to escape.
    Anybody with a conscience should have locked these assholes up a long time ago. They are all guilty of treason.

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