Hungary to build a second ‘massive’ wall – IOTW Report

Hungary to build a second ‘massive’ wall

DMUK: Hungary will build a new, ‘more massive’ fence on its southern borders to defend against a possible surge in the number of migrants, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday.

Orban, who earlier said migrants were ‘poison’, said on state radio that there may soon be a ‘greater need for security’ and the fortified barrier would be able to stop ‘several hundreds of thousands of people’ at the same time, if needed. He did not say when construction could start.

Orban said the surge could take place if, for example, Turkey allows the millions of refugees living there to leave for Western Europe.  MORE


10 Comments on Hungary to build a second ‘massive’ wall

  1. They should have two walls surrounding the country…with an alligator filled moat between them. And then, for good measure, some land mines to stop those who make it over one wall, through the moat, and over the second wall. Oh, and sniper towers.

  2. HUNGARY? Fuckin Hungary is better led than the US?

    Hungary’s been led by shit-pickle-eating maggots since it took its name from the Huns. And now we look at them with awe and admiration.

    Who woulda thunk it?

    izlamo delenda est …

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