North Side Chicago residents are tired of crime – IOTW Report

North Side Chicago residents are tired of crime

(CBS) – People on the North Side say car owners should tread carefully.

In a matter of minutes, their wheels could be gone.  They know, because it keeps happening.

Munaf Chand says he went to sleep recently and all rims on his car were intact.

tire theft chicago

He got a text in the morning from his father, who told him his car was up on bricks, the wheels missing.

“I told you you’ve got to watch out,” his father said.

The sight of tire-less cars and SUVs perched precariously on bricks or blocks has become common on the North Side. Tow truck drivers are left to literally pick up what’s left.  MORE

13 Comments on North Side Chicago residents are tired of crime

  1. Dr Babble, world famous brain surgeon said, “What are you going to do? It’s Chicago. What do you expect?”

    Great ‘tude Doc-we won the west, beat the Nazis and got to the moon with thinking like that


  2. The north siders deserve all the wonderful diversity that they love and vote for. The authorities really should drop a few public housing units in the middle of Winnetka and Evanston, where the residents talk a good game of diversity but make sure it doesn’t get into their communities

  3. When Lazlo lived in LA in the pager days I had a car alarm set to silent.
    It would page me when somebody messed w/ may car
    I caught two previously Judicially Involved persons wrestling the tape deck out of my car.
    The escaped the law (because they ran when they were able to get up again). They did not escape Lazlo.
    Nor his wrath.

  4. My REgressive sister and her creepy liberal, retired academia husband live on Chicago’s north side. I’ve been telling her for years that the brothers aren’t going to be staying south forever. Not when there herds of untouched buffalo(so to speak) just a few miles north.

    These wheel thefts are not much more then probes. When they see local morons say, “Hey whatcha gonna do?” their lustings increase. If they were to see news stories of brothers splayed out next to some of the attempted thefts, they’d get the message.

    Instead look for an increase in local assaults, drive-byes, B&Es and home invasions.

    Nothing says Detroit faster then increased assessed property tax valuations on homes that no one can sell.

  5. “… wheel locks are probably a good investment. Kind of cheap on eBay.”

    Depends on the wheel. If they stick out at all they can be defeated with a 2 lb sledge in a second or two. Wheel bolts are breakable.

    Watched wheel locks be defeated by their owners when they lost their keys.

    Still better than nothing, though.

    If it were that bad, I’d also add a system that detects anyone approaching the vehicle, starts screaming and alerts you wherever you are. After putting it behind a fence or garage enclosure isn’t working.

    Here, the difference between parking at the curb or in your driveway may be only a matter of feet, but is all the difference in the world. It’s like they know we have permission to shoot them on our property after dark. On the curb the odds are high something happens to it by a drive-by opportunist ready to hit the gas and disappear.

  6. I had a crummy 95 Chevy Corsica and one morning when I was getting ready to go work thieves had stolen my left rear tire. But at least they left a jack under it and I had to ride my bike to work that morning. I was not a happy camper, come on who steals a tire from a POS car unless it was someone else with a POS Chevy Corsica. It finally took the Chinese dirt nap last month when I got rid of it for $100 at the local junkyard and replaced it with a much better Honda 4by4 station wagon.

  7. Chicago and Illinois are deeply in debt, and it’s getting worse because the Democrat pols invariably succumb to union demands.
    One of the results is a Chicago police force that is wildly understaffed. In order to provide even a bare level of policing in the murderous wilds of deepest dark Chicago, staffing in the “good” neighborhoods is evaporating.

  8. “North Side Chicago residents are tired of crime”

    But not tired of electing, time, and time again, the same worthless maggots who steal, lie, and cheat.

    Sometimes you get what you want – even when you don’t know that it’s what you want.

    izlamo delenda est …

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