New Concerns Arise About Mental Health Of College Students – IOTW Report

New Concerns Arise About Mental Health Of College Students

BOSTON (CBS) – New concerns arise about the mental health of students on college campuses all across the country.

Dr. Gene Beresin, a psychiatrist and Executive Director of The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital, says 50% to 60% of college students have a psychiatric disorder.

“What I’m including in that is the use of substances, anxiety, depression, problems with relationships, break-ups, academic problems, learning disabilities, attentional problems,” says Dr. Beresin. “If you add them all up 50% doesn’t seem that high.”

Some undergraduates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) agree.

“People go through tough times,” says Dane Erickson, a rising junior from Naples, Florida. “It’s really stressful sometimes here at school.”

“I know a couple of friends who had a difficult first semester last year,” explains Maddie Burgoyne, a rising sophomore from Michigan.

Dr. Beresin says the suicide rate in college in astronomical. “A college student kills himself every day,” he says.  MORE

15 Comments on New Concerns Arise About Mental Health Of College Students

  1. Most of the problems in today’s academia is not being subject to differing ideas. This never allows the student to hone their thought processes, learn judgement or decide for themselves what to believe in.

    Common Core is just an offshoot of imprisoning the mind.

  2. Anxiety and depression? Oh please. You want to see REAL anxiety and depression, just ask me to describe what this country will be like under President Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    And BTW, my time at college was not easy-peasy. I was surrounded by the same type of Mean Rich Girls who made my childhood Hell. And not having dated in high school, I was shocked to learn what out-of-control horn dogs teenaged boys were.

    My chosen antidotes were concentrating on my studies, exercise (including team sports), and, ultimately, dropping out after sophomore year.

  3. Anxiety and depression? Try working in the real world.

    Precious little powder puffs have been coddled, head patted and never challenged in any way. They are #1 without doing or earning anything. They deserve everything simply for existing. They can’t think for themselves or do for themselves and have 30 second attention spans.

    Just give them warmed bottles, bonnets and diapers.
    Grow up you worthless beings.

  4. It takes a village to raise a child … This is actually the result of that asinine Kankles claim. These are the kids that were raised in day cares or by single parents that were too busy dating or doing whatever than parenting. And she wants more of it with her free mandatory day care crap.

  5. Most of the problem with academia is not teaching people HOW to think. If taught properly most people will figure things out for themselves and learn to avoid contradictions. This is known as INTEGRATION which trumps IQ “intelligence”. Incorrect ideas lead to cognitive dissonance and DIS-integration.

  6. Poor babies. It’s really stressful at school? Try being in the military in a hostile foreign land. Never mind, the powder puffs wouldn’t be able to make it through basic training.

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