France: Ex Prez Sarkozy demands ‘move Calais Jungle migrant camp to UK and let them deal with problem’ – IOTW Report

France: Ex Prez Sarkozy demands ‘move Calais Jungle migrant camp to UK and let them deal with problem’

“I’m demanding the opening of a centre in Britain to deal with asylum seekers in Britain so that Britain can do the work that concerns them”

MirrorUK: Ex-French President Nicolas Sarkozy has demanded the controversial Calais ‘Jungle’ migrant camp be moved out of France and into the UK.

The former leader said the United Kingdom should be forced to deal with ‘work that concerns them’ on its own shores and not in France.

Sarkozy , who is attempting a political comeback before next year’s election said that Britain should open an asylum centre on its territory and stressed “The Jungle should not be in Calais”.  MORE

17 Comments on France: Ex Prez Sarkozy demands ‘move Calais Jungle migrant camp to UK and let them deal with problem’

  1. Why is any country taking them, send them back.
    Go read the emails from George Soros and you will see they what these migrants to destroy the culture and people of every country. Part of their new world order.
    Britain was right to move out of the E.U. before it destroyed them as a people, a sovereign country. Same here, that’s why I voting for Trump.

  2. Fat chance Frenchie. You might to take a look at the nightmare you’ve gotten yourselves into. moslim population percentage of France is approaching 10%!! At that point, what is happening to your people is pretty much assured as it’s what has happened historically.

    Aren’t no-go zones, riots, mobs burning 100s of cars, brutal murders…a big enough clue for you?

    I have long said France would be the first white country in history to have control of it’s nuclear weapons placed in the hands of moslims.

    Now I mean openly as ours have been in the hands of Obama/Jarrett for the past 8 years.

  3. When Europe has their own Ayatollah the transition will be complete. Any reluctance or objection to the acceptance of islam will be dealt with accordingly.
    Do the French still have guillotines in storage or museums?
    They could be useful to the new islamic sharia court.

  4. Instead of spreading the trash around to the rest of Europe, why doesn’t France grow some balls and either ship them ALL back where they came from or kill these criminal migrants ?

    Keep no prisoners and take no prisoners. I feel the same about Gitmo — if Ofucknuts and Biden want to empty the place, the guards should get rid of them. (the simple way). As it stands now, we are releasing them and they are free to terrorize another day.

  5. Hmmmmm.
    Britain saw them marching across Europe and said NO WAY!
    The stupid French welcomed them with open arms, thinking most would pass through to Britain.
    But…. the EU didn’t have a mandate for each country to accept a certain percentage? That means they didn’t do the job they were supposed to do as a unifying body. They were really there to suck up as much taxpayer money as possible without really doing anything.
    The Brits were right, and Brexited just in time!

  6. @Jethro August 28, 2016 at 9:23 am

    They’re not out of The EU, yet. There’s still time for negotiating concessions. Maybe Britain could offer another vote on “Scotland out of the UK”, so they’re free to join the EU in Britain’s place, in exchange for something like free trade – or pocket lint.

  7. Would be so much more since able to secure a plot of land in the Middle East, feed them their halal native foods, have the Peace Corp teach useable life skills. Some sort of civil government. Might even end up with a permanent city there. Who am I kidding

  8. @Jethro; Don’t presume the EU even want Scotland or Northern Ireland. Both are a huge drag on whatever taxpayer they can find and the EU is looking for pockets to pick not pockets to fill. No, those Brussels louts want England. Nigel Farange needs to keep up the pressure and watch the negotiations very carefully.

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