McCain, Rubio walking tightrope with Donald Trump atop GOP ticket – IOTW Report

McCain, Rubio walking tightrope with Donald Trump atop GOP ticket

WT: Sens. John McCain and Marco Rubio are poised to win primaries Tuesday as the Republican establishment rallies to defend its embattled members against Donald Trump-style insurgents, setting up Election Day tests that could determine whether the party keeps control of the Senate.


The Arizona race has been particularly bruising with challenger Kelli Ward last week accusing Mr. McCain, who turns 80 on Monday, of being too old and “weak” to serve another term.

But both Mr. McCain and Mr. Rubio are well ahead in the polls and have turned their attention to the general election, where they are likely to face much tighter races, thanks in large part to the presence of Mr. Trump at the top of the ballot.  MORE


8 Comments on McCain, Rubio walking tightrope with Donald Trump atop GOP ticket

  1. Got an e-mail from the NRSC this morning asking for a donation to help keep the “Republican Senate majority”

    My Reply: “I’m voting for Donald Trump. A “Republican Senate majority”? We’ve got one and what did we get?

  2. My hope is that Trump, as president, will usher in a new era of governance in which players like McCain and Rubio will be in stark contrast to their colleagues’ earnest contributions to a more honest, effective governing body. McCain ran his ’08 campaign on “Straight Talk” but he’s no judge of that. I don’t think Trump is above outing members of Congress who scheme against America’s best interests.

  3. I realized Mccain Calls himself a Republican and yes, he was a prisoner of war, but I sure am not a fan of his oversized ego. I hope the Republican running against him wins.

  4. I hope Kelli Ward is knocking on doors, making stump speeches, internet quickstops and having everyone out punching in these last minutes. Hell, if I were down there (er, and not a Canadian I guess) I’d be knocking on doors or handing out pamphlets at the mall or making calls. Go after the seniors, talk to them, get them to realize what an absolute liability McCain has been to your country.

  5. Trump would receive more votes if he promised to rid the US Senate of stale garbage like McCain, lil Marco, Snowe, and McConnell. But it’s too early to say that now.

  6. Actually, Rubio looks good compared to the clowns the deems are running for Senate here in Florida
    Alan Grayson, who needs no introduction
    Patrick who has ads showing him proudly standing with Obama.

    At least Rubio cancels out Bill Nelson votes.

    We need to repeal 17th Amendment!

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