NSFA: Anthony Weiner sexted while his son was in bed with him – IOTW Report

NSFA: Anthony Weiner sexted while his son was in bed with him

NYP: This is baby-sitting — Anthony Weiner-style.

While his wife, Huma Abedin, travels the country campaigning for Hillary Clinton, the disgraced ex-congressman has been sexting with a busty brunette out West — and even sent her a lurid crotch shot with his toddler son in the picture, The Post has learned.

weiner sexting while babysitting

The stay-at-home cad shot the revealing photo while discussing massage parlors “near my old apartment” shortly after 3 a.m. on July 31, 2015, a screen shot of the exchange shows.

Weiner was clearly aroused by his conversation with the 40-something divorcee when he abruptly changed the subject.

“Someone just climbed into my bed,” Weiner wrote.

“Really?” she responded.

Weiner then hit “send” on the cringe-inducing image, which shows a bulge in his white, Jockey-brand boxer briefs and his son cuddled up to his left, wrapped in a light-green blanket.   MORE

28 Comments on NSFA: Anthony Weiner sexted while his son was in bed with him

  1. I lasted about 5 paragraphs in the Post story-the guy is a fucking douche. And stupid as a post. Carlos Danger, give me a break.

    Huma comes off to me as someone with a blistering temper. I’d like to be a fly on the wall when she gets home.

  2. hahahaha

    Exactly no different than the trash taking selfies in the bathrooms showing a shit stain in a reflection from behind.

    Call Child Protection Services! Stat! Dude is taking boner pictures with a child mere inches from it! Proof he’s a danger to the child.

  3. WTF? I thought that tripe her momma wrote about being a mooslim woman was all about taking care of your man? Huma needs to go home and start raising that kid before he gets kicked out of pre school for doing exactly what his daddy does.

  4. it’s hilarious that this guy looks like a weiner, is sexting his weiner, and his name is weiner

    you can’t make this shit up, norman lear couldn’t write better material

  5. Huma needs to get her beard in line. This political marriage of convenience is no longer expedient. But, if she ditches the Weiner, she might actually have to raise her own child. She doesn’t want to get punished with a baby.

  6. What a weak, useless, pathetic little nothing of a nobody.
    Obvious screaming pathological mental illness aside.

    Loser was supposed to be half of a Rising Young Power Couple. He was supposed to be NYC Mayor by now, soon to be Governor then be positioned as a Major Name in time to succeed HC in 2024.
    He’s failed miserably.
    The continued compulsive sexting to fellow nobodies, who then out him with pics included, is suicidal.
    I won’t be surprised to find he commits suicide, then rolls himself up in a White House residence carpet, and drives himself to Ft Marcy Park. I hear they still haven’t installed any surveillance cameras there.

  7. I hope the ‘outing’ of Weinie Wagger’s ongoing sick behavior reflects on his “wife” and causes panic in Camp Hillary.
    Think about it…Huma is her closest ally and confidante, and she’s married to this nutjob ??
    What does that say about HER ??
    And I hope he doesn’t slip in the bathtub…by accident.

  8. As deplorable as Carlos Danger is his wife is the one that needs to be investigated. As manipulative as those people are I wouldn’t be surprised if this is being done as part of a plan to make her look sympathetic or take the focus off her.

  9. Whats amazing to me is he seems to have no shame about it. This fool was “catfished” buy a young republican guy acording to article I read. What a posterboy for the dems. He and Bill Bubba Clinton are siamese twins joined at the shoelaces. Thanks for the laughs you two assholes

  10. Wiener is not only sick he is an idiot. Team Hillary will not tolerate anything that could harm her.

    I will not be shocked when they find Wiener dead with a shot to the head ala Vince Foster and it gets ruled a suicide. Or a mugging that ‘just went wrong’ or his plane crashing… Maybe he is thinking his being offed would be too much of a coincidence and therefore he is bullet proof.

  11. Question for #nevertrumpers :
    If Trump, or ANY republican, were associated with sickness like this in ANY way, they would be 86’d and DONE in politics. Will you STILL vote for Hillary and, by doing so, endorse this depravity?! Then STFA from me and my family.

  12. Dude needs a lobotomy. He thinks his dick is sooooo great, that if any woman even sees it they will turn into a fawning, horny mess? Yeah, nothing gets a girl hotter than sending her a pic of your wang.

    Sorry, it’s not all that. If you’ve had the misfortune to see one dick pic, you’ve seen ’em all.

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