Arizona election results – IOTW Report

Arizona election results

see here! 

25 Comments on Arizona election results

  1. those old f’rs out in AZ, including a lot of vets, will vote for McCain if he has sex with hillary. They will vote for him after he has passed away, and they will send his cadaver to Congress to represent them. I was really really bummed when he beat J.D. Hayworth, a really ‘true’ conservative who puts overimmigration (my #1, #2, #3, etc issue) at the top of the agenda. I love my fellow citizens but results like this are a bit disconcerting. How about term limits

  2. Al,
    Rubio win is good. We need him to beat out left wing loon Patrick Murphy, whose entire ad campaign centered around how he loves Obama.
    In Florida Congressional District 5 as redrawn, Al Lawson beat Corine (Go Gatas) Brown😀

  3. It is amazing Congress polls at barely low double digits in voter satisfaction and yet when it comes to the primaries the incumbents almost always easily win. If not they end up like Canter with a sweet multimillion dollar wall street job. And even the well intentioned that do get there and become tainted and corrupted with ease and fail to keep their promises or make any real reform. We just need to start over.

  4. Bummer. The non-Presidential primaries this year have been soooooo disappointing. This proves the need for term limits. The majority of voters just aren’t well informed enough to make intelligent decisions.

  5. Who here isn’t disappointed? McCain is absolutely on top of my Congressional Shit List-can not stand him.

    Now watch the pushback that President Trump will get from fuckers like Ryan & McCain in Congress. I guarantee you that compared to the lip service that they gave to opposing Obama/Jarrett, it’ll look like the last stand at the Alamo.

  6. So disappointed in my state–but Ward was outspent and outgunned here, and the illegal populationhas soared since 2012. I will be voting for McCains democrat challenger–better someone who admits they are a liberal than one who pretends not to be.

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