90 Homicides: August was Chicago’s Bloodiest Month In 20 Years – IOTW Report

90 Homicides: August was Chicago’s Bloodiest Month In 20 Years

CHICAGO (CBS) — A 24-year-old man was killed and a 23-year-old man was grazed by a bullet in a shooting in the West Lawn neighborhood late Wednesday night, capping off the most violent month in Chicago in 20 years.

Chicago police said there were 90 homicides in August, and a total of 472 people shot in 384 separate attacks. The city has not had that many murders in one month since August 1996.  MORE

17 Comments on 90 Homicides: August was Chicago’s Bloodiest Month In 20 Years

  1. “90 Homicides: August was Chicago’s Bloodiest Month In 20 Years”

    90 less EBT card holders, 90 less Obamaphones on the street, 90 less breeders, and more Cheetos and Skittles for those remaining. Life is good.

  2. Heck. The answer is simple: “Gun Control”
    Oh wait, they have strict gun control laws there. I guess CRIMINALS are disobeying the laws! Who’d have thought!

    Oh, I’ve got an idea, BLM, Sharpton, Obama, Hillary, Beyoncé, & etc., can PROTEST against those who are gunning each other down in the streets. What? It’s not police so, they are not interested.

    Well, i guess those adverse to being in a war zone will just have to stay out of Chicago, as the Chicago Gladiators kill each other off.

  3. Can anyone name one democratically controlled city where the murder rate has gone down over the last year? Nearby Richmond VA is having its own murderpalooza. Seems like one or two a day, but it is much smaller than Chicago.

  4. One wonders if Val Jar has gone driving her Mercedes top-down through the hood lately, surveying her slum-lord holdings? Probably not, as they don’t make enough SS agents to keep that Iranian maggot safe in the Southside. Barky would not be caught there for all the Mancountries in Chicago anymore. The gun he loves to feel shooting is into his obutthole, not anything else.

  5. “Nothing will be done until the killing and shooting moves to the wealthy neighborhoods on the upper east side and north west end of town.”

    You know, I’ve noticed the crime stats for the East side of Chi-town are non-existent! Nobody ever gets shot there! No robberies, no rapes – nothing! It’s paradise just waiting for us!

    I say we move everyone to the East side of Chi-Town and put an end to all the crime!

    It’s really that simple. Why can’t we do that? Better than firing two blasts from your shotgun in the air! It’ll be worth every penny of taxpayer money it takes.

    Now where’d my beanie cap go? Did Hill borrow it again?

  6. This is a problem 50 years in the making. It isn’t going away overnight, it will take generations. First and foremost, black men have to commit to marriage and responsible fatherhood and black women need to keep their knees together until a ring appears on their left hand. That’s just the start. Then the rest will take care of itself, just like it used to before the welfare state.

    There Obugger, Sharpton and Jackson … fixed it for ya.

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