What fruits and vegetables looked like before we domesticated them – IOTW Report

What fruits and vegetables looked like before we domesticated them

ScienceAlert: Next time you bite into a slice of watermelon or a cob of corn, consider this: these familiar fruits and veggies didn’t always look and taste this way.

wild banana

Genetically modified foods, or GMOs, inspire strong reactions nowadays, but humans have been tweaking the genetics of our favourite produce for millennia.

While GMOs may involve splicing genes from other organisms (such as bacteria) to give plants desired traits – like resistance to pests, selective breeding is a slower process whereby farmers select and grow crops with those traits over time.

From bananas to eggplant, here are some of the foods that looked totally different before humans first started growing them for food.  MORE

h/t BlogHeapOLinks

10 Comments on What fruits and vegetables looked like before we domesticated them

  1. This is of course BULLSHIT! Selective breeding to get the desired characteristics is NOT the same thing as using a laboratory to introduce foreign genetic material into from one genus into another genus.

    Splicing tree-frog DNA into our corn is NOT the same thing as breeding a male with a specific trait or characteristic with a female with a specific trait of characteristic to get a desired trait or characteristic.

    The fact that these propagandist continue to LIE about the difference between selective breeding, which has been used safely for thousands of years, and this abomination of science where DNA from one genus is combined with the DNA from a completely foreign genus, proves their motives are beyond SINISTER!

    It’s really very simple to understand, animals, cannot mix their DNA with insects or plants, insects cannot mix their DNA with animals or plants, plants cannot mix their DNA with animals or insects, but that is EXACTELY what these evil bastards are doing! They are mixing animal DNA with plants, and insect DNA with plants, and God knows what else.

    THINK, how could a spider get its DNA into our corn? That would be IMPOSSIBLE in nature! A spider CANNOT mate with a tree can it? How could a tree-frog get its DNA into a sheep? That is IMPOSSIBLE except for the perversions of science now taking place. A tree-frog CANNOT mate with a sheep can it?

    DO NOT BE MISLEAD! GMO is an abomination before God and all that is natural!

  2. There’s a big difference between tweaking genetics and installing toxic copyright marks in food, like Monsanto does.

    I often wonder if the mark of the beast is going to be a GMO gene stamp that will show up in the DNA of people who take the mark. The shit Monsanto pushes does change the genes of those who consume it.

    I won’t even eat corn anymore, unless I know it was grown organic with non-GMO seed. Rice is mostly GMO too. And soybeans are GMO pig food.

    You can still find the original form of strawberries growing in the wild. And they taste so much better than the ones you buy in the grocery store, but they are a lot smaller. They were modified to increase the size but they lost most of the flavor in the process. The little ones smell better too.

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