Hillary Signed She Received Briefing on Classified Info, But Told FBI She Hadn’t – IOTW Report

Hillary Signed She Received Briefing on Classified Info, But Told FBI She Hadn’t

TWS: Either Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI or she lied on a State Department form as she began her tenure as Secretary of State. This conclusion appears inescapable after Friday’s FBI document release related to the Clinton email investigation.

As revealed by those FBI documents, Clinton told agents that she could not recall “any briefing or training by State related to the retention of federal records of handling of classified information”.

clinton signs security indoc

But the second paragraph of the Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement—which she signed on January 22, 2009—states that “I hereby acknowledge that I have received a security indoctrination concerning the nature and protection of classified information.” A composite of the FBI documents and the nondisclosure agreement is shown below:  MORE

9 Comments on Hillary Signed She Received Briefing on Classified Info, But Told FBI She Hadn’t

  1. I worked in the production department of our local newspaper as the industry transitioned from manual production to electronic production.
    I had to go to several trainings to learn how to handle email. I also had to sign non-disclosure agreements in order to keep information, such as ad rates, confidential.
    Clearly NOT state secrets, but come on. This woman is, as the FBI deemed, CARELESS. No wonder she hooked up with Anything-Goes-Bill.

  2. How many ‘short circuits’ can she dismiss and still claim that she should lead this country?

    Anyone and everyone that dares to defend/support her at this point, should be tracked down and beaten with a bat. Seriously.

  3. Never in the History of mankind have so many members of a ruling cabal claimed stupidity as a defense of Treason.

    Without comment from the Press.
    Or action from the Congress.
    And America sits with its thumb up its ass wondering if Mr. Trump can get traction.

    izlamo delenda est …

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