Democrat Memo On Dealing With Black Lives Matter Leaked – IOTW Report

Democrat Memo On Dealing With Black Lives Matter Leaked

WASHINGTON (WNB) – A leaked internal memo from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) outlines best practices for dealing with the Black Lives Matter movement.

The potentially embarrassing document includes such points as not agreeing to do anything about BLM policy proposals, not making fun of BLM activists’ lack of intelligence, and recommending against sending blonde campaign members to BLM meetings.  MORE

4 Comments on Democrat Memo On Dealing With Black Lives Matter Leaked

  1. Mr. Van Neuter has sage advice.
    To further add:
    Do not speak of black on black murder & crime rate.
    Do not speak of the 100’s of thousands of black baby abortions, fatherless families, baby mommas and crack whores.
    Do not speak of Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Philly or any other inner city shit hole where black lives matter is centralized.
    Be safer by dressing like pajama boy.

  2. I just finished watching Donald Trump speak at the black church in Detroit. It was damn good. Very moving. He was humble, soft-spoken, genuine. And, the best part, he spoke to them without putting on a phony black accent. I actually teared up a bit.

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