Open Letter To Dwyane Wade – IOTW Report

Open Letter To Dwyane Wade

AWD: First of all, I want to offer my sincerest condolences to you and your family. You see I know what they are going through. My cousin was murdered in his early 20’s. He left behind a child who will never know him. I remember his mother’s grief that was inconsolable and his father’s stony silence that kept back the tears. I also remember his brother who wondered if he could have done something different to prevent the many events that led to his death. I recall the other cousins not from my side of the family. They were hard young men from the Deep South, ones that you would call “crackas.” Their demeanors made me strongly suspect that they might be willing to settle scores later, at a time that was more opportune. Fortunately they did not live in a “no snitch” society. The guy who stuck a knife in his chest was identified, tried, convicted and sentenced. That’s the way it’s supposed to go. Unfortunately that scenario doesn’t quite play well in the “hood” does it?

nykea killers

You’ll probably recognize the caption pics identifying the “alleged” killers of your cousin. The story is that she was killed from a stray bullet, because two miscreants didn’t like the way a cabbie looked at them and decided to shoot him. That’s a hell of way of saying that Black lives matter don’t you think?

The one thing you’ll notice is that they’re not White nor or they dressed in police uniforms. (Hell, they don’t even look like Shaun King) Even money says that they’re not NRA or Tea Party members either. They are, however, hardened felons and gang members, on probation that shouldn’t have been on the streets in the first place. But that’s what decades of Democratic Party rule gets you.

I know you have identified with the BLM. You’re even on record as saying that “racial profiling has to end.” How do you feel about that now?

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4 Comments on Open Letter To Dwyane Wade

  1. I love AWD’s way with words…he never minces them, tells it like it is. I just wish I didn’t have such a difficult time with his page loading on my devices. I don’t get to read enough of his stuff anymore because of that.

  2. Besides the no snitch policy in the ‘hood, there is now the added motivation of being one of the cool guys of the #BLM movement. A know-nothing, underachiever who is suddenly thrust into the spotlight with all the trappings of small town fame. Mr. Big Shot.

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