“First, they demanded he retract his comments, but he wouldn’t.” – IOTW Report

“First, they demanded he retract his comments, but he wouldn’t.”

Page6– Dr. Drew Pinsky is so afraid of Hillary Clinton and her supporters, he won’t blame them for the cancellation of his show on HLN, the sister channel of CNN.

“No, no, no. I just want them to go away!” he told one friend.

“Dr. Drew” was canceled eight days after Pinsky discussed Clinton’s health on a radio show, saying he was “gravely concerned not just about her health, but her health care.”

“CNN is so supportive of Clinton, network honchos acted like the Mafia when confronting Drew,” a source told me. “First, they demanded he retract his comments, but he wouldn’t.”  MORE

10 Comments on “First, they demanded he retract his comments, but he wouldn’t.”

  1. “I know the timing is suspicious, and I know it’s hard to believe, but the two things had nothing to do with each other,”
    Just like everything else in the Clinton Universe.
    I bet the old hag is just like Mao, with 11th century peasant hygiene
    Probably smells like a turtle tank
    Mrs. Lazlo pointed out her hair lately. It looks like she washed it in lard and rinsed it in cow shit.
    Those aren’t catheters.
    They’re aquarium air pumps and activated charcoal filters

  2. Connected or not kudos to Drew for not withdrawing his remarks. Going forward if I were him I’d watch his back though. Clinton, like most other sociopaths does not take kindly to any type of criticism. I really don’t see why so many Americans can’t see just how dangerous this woman is. It astounds me.

  3. If she dies they will prop her up and go on campaigning.
    CNN will report her excellent health on a daily basis.
    They will show her at different amusement parks riding the roller coasters
    With her voters.

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