Cheryl Mills: The mastermind behind Clinton’s massive email coverup – IOTW Report

Cheryl Mills: The mastermind behind Clinton’s massive email coverup

NYP: Newly released FBI documents detailing the bureau’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal the aide who would likely follow her into the White House as chief counsel was central to a cover-up of evidence sought by investigators.

cheryl mills aunt esther

Yet despite signs Clinton’s former chief of staff Cheryl Mills obstructed efforts by investigators to obtain Clinton’s emails, the FBI invited Mills to attend Hillary’s interview at FBI headquarters as one of her lawyers.

“It’s absolutely outrageous,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

“The FBI saw massive document destruction and clear intent to withhold material evidence,” he added, “and they just ignored that obstruction, and even let her sit in on the interview.”  MORE

15 Comments on Cheryl Mills: The mastermind behind Clinton’s massive email coverup

  1. Lynch at the DOJ and Comey at the FBI say the case is closed, they don’t care what the evidence shows or what is uncovered. And Hillary is the beneficiary.
    This is representative of the new level of corruption Obama brought to the Federal Government.
    Eric holder, Lois Lerner, Bowe Bergdahl, the IRS, EPA, ATF, Bureau of land management are all free to wreak havoc upon the US Justice System and laws with impunity.

    Liars, thieves, drug dealers, convicts, political hacks, perverts and corruptocrats are running the Government.

  2. “mastermind”???? Cheryl Mills???

    Let me set you straight. If Mills was a Republican, she would already be in prison. Harry Reid would have been relentless pounding her years ago and bet your ass, unlike the dems, McConnell would have caved like a wet kleenex.

    They only get away with this because as cato so aptly noted, our government is corrupt to the bone.

  3. Obama is directly responsible for compromising and criminalizing every government entity.

    And now he is setting the DHS up to take over the elections. Laying his wicked webs of lies and cheats like the trap door spider he is.

    WHERE THE HELL IS CONGRESS? Colluding, vacationing, enriching themselves as they pander to the rich, elitist vampires, as they take auction bids, that they call donations. Damn it makes you angry.

  4. Forces for truth and justice demonstrated poor timing. People are tired of hearing about the email crimes. The email scandal has been squandered. It should have been dropped like a bomb, instead lots of little fire crackers.

    The FBI didn’t charge her. That is all the enemy is pounding into liberal progressive rino heads.

  5. “the aide who would likely follow her into the White House”

    That’ll never happen, if hrc wins, valerie jarrett will begin her 3rd term. The ‘kenyan mooslime’ isn’t smart enough to destroy America this quickly, he needed valerie’s help every step of the way. And hrc isn’t any smarter.

  6. @Unruly refugee September 5, 2016 at 12:45 pm

    Don’t worry. Under certain circumstances, that might be illegal. And it certainly might have the appearance of impropriety. There, feel better?

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