You Can Now Do Yoga with Goats on a Farm in Oregon – IOTW Report

You Can Now Do Yoga with Goats on a Farm in Oregon

OC: The name “Goat Yoga” can be a bit misleading, but no, it’s not yoga for goats, but yoga for humans on a picturesque farm in Oregon where practitioners can relax in the presence of adorable friendly goats.

Lainey Morse, who owns the No Regrets Farm, in Willamette Valley, Oregon, had worked as a photographer for 10 years, but last year, after dealing with some health problems, she decided to quit shooting portraiture and focus on starting a business around her farm. She has been hosting various outdoor events, and at a recent children’s birthday party, one of the parents, who happened to be a yoga instructor, asked if she could hold a class there. Morse agreed, and the class turned out to be a huge hit, with some people driving over 100 miles from Portland just so they could take part.  MORE

16 Comments on You Can Now Do Yoga with Goats on a Farm in Oregon

  1. Lazlo is pleased!
    Spare her thy harsh judgement!
    This is the very Spirit of our Country and the basis of the greatest civilization on Earth!
    This person has found a market (albeit for dumb shits bereft of sense) and has filled it admirably.
    That woman is a capitalist to her core and I salute her ingenuity.
    PT Barnum is smiling fondly down from Heaven.

  2. I’m pretty sure they clean up regularly and it probably is a relaxing place. Goats are pretty funny to watch and I suspect in clean surroundings, with clean air and no big city sounds in the background it could be a good place to practice (or have a few pops). Good on the owner fro coming up with the idea and making a few bucks.

  3. Goats are fun. The Prospect Park Zoo in Brooklyn had several in its petting area, and I loved visiting them.

    I imagine having goats with me while I do yoga is not much different from having my cats with me while I post here.

  4. Back in my hippie days a person who lived in our “band house” had a pet goat named Morris. He was quite a character and used to get on top of our cars to reach the tree leaves. He also used to pee on his beard. (Pretty common behavior for goats.) Unfortunately his demise came from the jaws of a cougar. (Not a happy story but true.)

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