This has got to be the stupidest idea ever – IOTW Report

This has got to be the stupidest idea ever

PatriotRetort: I have spent nearly four years commenting on the stupidity and flagrant bias of the Enslaved Press. Part of that requires me to actually suffer through articles written at the most biased of “news” sites: Politico, CNN, the New York Times, and (heaven help me) even Salon.

I suffer through it so you don’t have to.

This election season, I also had to add visiting ostensibly “conservative” websites that are hell bent on destroying the Republican nominee even if that means letting that felonious, venal hag Hillary Clinton win in November.

Today, in my journey through the #NeverTrump backstabbers, I saw what has to be the stupidest idea in the history of the universe.

King of the #NeverTrump movement — Erick Erickson — has written a column demanding Donald Trump drop out of the race and make way for his running mate Mike Pence to be the Republican nominee.

Why? Because only then can Republicans win.  more

16 Comments on This has got to be the stupidest idea ever

  1. Thank you MJA! Isn’t it so predictable that the Lefty Goon Squad are going rabid cur crazy now. Wow, can they read what they write in the cold light of dawn and be proud? Would their mommies pat their backsides in pride? NO. More like beat the living shit out of them. The lowest terms to describe them go from Hacks downward. And, believe me, from the gutter to them is not a step up.The whacko Bushwackers are part of this up to their gouging eyeballs. Karl Rove has to have a price on his head by now. Squash them all like spiders and pestilence. They are working for Cankles with all their corrupted souls. Help them crossover to the Hell they yearn for and so deserve.

  2. Good job Dianny. Not only is it extremely stupid it’s self defeating. Unless of course you have some skin in the game. Something tells me guys like Eric have some agenda we will never know about but odds are it has something to do with Trump being a Nationalist.

  3. A Trump voter is not conservative, prats Erickson? Who is this twit ant?

    Does he know that Phyllis Schlafly wrote a book endorsing Trump? First Goldwater, then Reagan and finally Trump.

    Who is this twit ant? ….Lady in Red

  4. Bless his heart. The demented thing chewed through his restraints again. He was probably trying to get to the nearest McDonald’s and spewed this feculent vomltus instead. What a sad sack.

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