Iranian Boats Harass Another U.S. Navy Patrol Coastal Ship In Persian Gulf – IOTW Report

Iranian Boats Harass Another U.S. Navy Patrol Coastal Ship In Persian Gulf

USNI: A U.S. Navy patrol coastal ship was harassed by seven Iranian vessels on Sunday and narrowly avoided colliding with one, in the latest in a string of incidents in the Persian Gulf.

irgcn patrol boats iran

Seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) fast in-shore attack craft (FIAC) approached USSFirebolt (PC-10) while it was operating in international waters in the central Persian Gulf on Sept. 4, a defense official told USNI News.

Three of the FIACs maneuvered close to Firebolt, mirroring the ship’s course and speed at a distance of about 500 yards for about eight minutes before leaving. Another FIAC then sped towards Firebolt and stopped directly in front of the ship, causing the Firebolt crew to maneuver to avoid a collision. The U.S. ship and Iranian FIAC came within 100 yards of one another, the defense official said.  MORE

14 Comments on Iranian Boats Harass Another U.S. Navy Patrol Coastal Ship In Persian Gulf

  1. Little shits are not afraid of o’commie. They know s/he is a gutless wimp afraid of its own shadow. CiC has probably already sent Iranians an apology and a boat load of money while at the same time composing a termination letter for the American skipper.

  2. Most of the Iranians are good, peace loving, people who are oppressed by the islamic regime and the ayatollah.
    The majority are being dominated by the fanatical minority who have power and the Army. When the majority tried to have peaceful protests to shed themselves of the religious fanatics. They were ignored by Obama and the state department. The ayatollahs murdered, imprisoned and clamped down on those who wanted more freedom.

    We should be able to relate to that, over the past nearly 8 years of a progressive/communist president dictating new law, ignoring other laws and cutting back door deals with our enemies while alienating our allies.

    One major difference, at least the Iranian people attempted to shed the yoke of oppression. While we idly watch our “representatives”, who are to uphold the constitution, sit on their hands, pass progressive legislation and hold “gotcha” media appearances and bullshit committee meetings with no results.

    Rather than protest we “citizens” of the majority are content to sit and bitch about congress, the big government boy chief and do nothing else.

    While, Soros funded BLM, communists, anarchists, socialists, unions, progressives and perverts own the media and the DNC. They are hitting the streets, attacking police, burning buildings, blocking interstates and demanding bigger government and more oppression.
    The US has lost its way these past 8 years, it is time for the silent majority to elect Trump !

  3. President Lazlo to the Admiral in charge of operations in that Theater:
    “I have an Air Force General sitting here in my office that says ‘Navy Cooks can’t shoot worth a shit’, now Admiral I can’t have this crap going on in my Armed Forces. The next time those Persian retards act up, I expect you to bring the entire Galley staff up on deck and give those youngsters some damn minigun practice! Carry on.”

  4. Her (USSFirebolt) armament includes two Mk38 chain guns, two Mk19 automatic grenade launchers, and two .50 in (12.7 mm) machine guns, as well as six Stinger missiles.

    If only the CIC was armed with a spine.

  5. Just hold your fire until January 21st, 2017, sirs.

    I suspect their won’t be anything Iranian anywhere near our fleet by then. More than anything Obama wants a war between Iran and the USA so implementing the last part of his agenda easier.

    My only real fear is that in retaliation for the inevitable Trump victory the PTB will deliberately crash the FED manipulated stock market into public panic-inducing spiral.

    One way or another, the market is gonna crash & burn; when is going to be determined by the outcome of the ‘election’.

  6. Its not just the Iranians.

    How long till Putin figures he can shoot down one of those annoying US surveillance aircraft, or “accidentally” sink one of our destroyers??

    When will the ChiComms decide it is worthwhile sinking one of our aircraft carriers??

    What if the NORKS decide to detonate a nuke in orbit over the US, crippling us with the resulting EMP??

    Nobody fears us because the Preezy has tied the hands of our military and is making deals with and emboldening our enemies.

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