On his way out, Obama poised to act on his own again – IOTW Report

On his way out, Obama poised to act on his own again

PersonalLiberty: WASHINGTON White House officials see little reason to believe Congress will have a productive run during President Barack Obama’s final months in office, forcing him to issue more executive actions on his way out.

Obama has left little to the imagination when it comes to his willingness to use his authority as president to enact policy changes when lawmakers refuse to act or become too stymied by partisan bickering to pass legislation. Before his final year even began, Obama urged his senior aides to keep searching for ways to get things done — with or without lawmakers’ help.

“I’m not going to rule out additional executive action on the part of the president,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said last month. “What we’ve seen … is an utterly dysfunctional Congress.”

Translation: Some of Obama’s executive orders and actions could have been avoided had GOP lawmakers pushed legislation he could have signed. Republicans often respond by saying that the president is too liberal to work with on bills they could both support. MORE

14 Comments on On his way out, Obama poised to act on his own again

  1. Josh Earnest said last month. “What we’ve seen … is an utterly dysfunctional Congress.”

    I agree….. perfect match for a dysfunctional presidency.
    If congress weren’t dysfunctional, obama would have been impeached long ago.

  2. Keep an eye on this slithering reptile and the rest of the leftist ruling regime, they are he LL bent on stealing the prez election. I would watch Jeh Johnson like a hawk and the carvilles, messinas, and axelrods of the world will be sneaking around behind him. They have zero interest in allowing the US citizens to select the next president and have no intention of giving up power to a Trump administration.

  3. The worthless and lazy congress is smiling mightily right now! They found an illegal black migrant from Kenya willing to do all of their dirty work for them! Be advised, however, that he will only fetch coffee for the Clinton’s!

  4. The form that will be getting the most pen work by Barry is the pardon form. You want to bet this guy is going to set a Presidential record for the number of pardons he issues in the last days of the bunker? As I understand it these pardons can be blanket pardons for all federal crimes committed prior to the pardon being issued.

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