Hillary: Trump unpatriotic for criticizing Obama – IOTW Report

Hillary: Trump unpatriotic for criticizing Obama

CAIN:  Shrill. The operation always works the same way. Here you’re just getting an unusual look at Step 2. But there are three steps:

1. Donald Trump says something.

2. The Hillary campaign, if not Hillary herself as in this case, comes out with an absurd and completely fictional characterization of what Trump said.

3. The media run with Hillary’s narrative.

Wednesday was very bad for Hillary because Trump outshone her pretty seriously at NBC’s so-called commander in chief forum. She got faced by a veteran on her illegal mishandling of classified information, while Trump handled the questions so well Hillary’s supporters were upset with Matt Lauer for not being enough of a shill for Hillary in asking them.

And in the course of this interview, Trump said two very interesting things. First, he said that Vladimir Putin was a better leader of his nation than Barack Obama is of this nation. Second, he said that during intelligence briefings, he learned that Obama, Hillary and Kerry ignored the advice of their generals, and that Trump’s reading of the generals’ words and body language was that they were not happy about it.  MORE

15 Comments on Hillary: Trump unpatriotic for criticizing Obama

  1. The iternet is FOREVER!!!!
    “I’m sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we’re Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.” – Hillary Clinton 2003

    F-U Bitch!

  2. Let’s let Putin describe Obama:

    “Talking to Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over the pieces, shits all over the board, and then prances around crowing that he won.”

    So, I guess by Hillary’s measure, Putin in “unpatriotic,” too.

  3. Seems to me BHO kicked that door open by criticizing Trump and calling him unfit to run. And, yep, I too thought they said that sort of thing was the highest form of patriotism. Which will it be? We all know which way the traffic flows on their one-way street – they can say what they want and you are free to STFU.

  4. I’m not sure at all, but Trump may well be a patriot. That rare person would certainly scare the shit out of anyone currently involved in our national government.

    He would be their ruin. Their worst nightmare.

  5. Lowell,

    I’m sure. And those damn poles of likely voters with a sample size if 12 are bull shit and the Dens know it and are Freaken out. I just ran into a lib couple tonight that we haven’t seen in six years. They voted Barry first time around. Actually that’s what ended the freind ship. Tonight they’re all about Trump. Kinda pissed me off because all of a sudden they’re the heart of the Tea Party. In reality they’re not stupid people and Obamanamics hit them right in the bank account. I’m getting a migraine. By the way I bit my tongue.

  6. Brad, yup, I’ve been biting my tongue to the point it’s bleeding. My family, and my in laws are mostly well educated libs, maybe the worst kind. A couple of my brothers and I don’t have much to say to each other any more, and that is ok.

  7. I have a relative that is gay. She and her partner got mad when I refused to vote for Cankles. The only reason they have (but do not say so) is because Cankles is a lesbian. No other reason required. It boggles the mind that people vote for the highest office in our country based only on skin color or sexual preference. We have seen the end game on this for almost 8 long dreary years now. Time is up. The fat lady sang…go home pinheads. That is NOT reason enough. If you cannot see enough purpose and reason to support voting for one beyond non-white, female, or gay, don’t vote! Too much has been fought for to lose now. Our freedoms, our nation, our values are worth more than skin color, gender, or sexual preferences.

  8. Leftists need the polls to skew at least slightly in Clinton’s favor so that when they defraud and electronically steal November, there’s a margin for plausible deniability. That’s why they’re panicking, not because they fear she will lose.

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