Trump Hammers Hillary Before Massive Florida Crowd – IOTW Report

Trump Hammers Hillary Before Massive Florida Crowd

Breitbart: PENSACOLA, FL – On Friday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump flexed his political muscle by drawing one of his largest crowds since securing his party’s nomination in the pivotal battleground state of Florida.


In what has traditionally been a very Republican-voting region of the state, Trump backed up his January capacity appearance with another strong showing. It was evident early on, as thousands lined up to get into the Pensacola Bay Center three hours before the rally began to see the presidential hopeful.

Trump hammered the usual planks of his campaign stump speech – trade, national defense, immigration, and the flaws of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

He drew perhaps his biggest applause when he told the crowd what he would do to Iranian boats that threatened U.S. ships.

“With Iran, when they circle our beautiful destroyers with their little boats and they make gestures at our people that they shouldn’t be allowed to make, they will be shot out of the water,” he proclaimed.  MORE

11 Comments on Trump Hammers Hillary Before Massive Florida Crowd

  1. The MSM is doing itself and Hillary’s Basket of Deplorables a disservice by not covering these rallies honestly. November 8th is going to be their Hiroshima.

    I’d love to see a graphic of “Hillary’s Basket Of Deplorables.”

    Weiner Twitter Crotch Shot with son
    Monica Blowing Bill.
    Malaria smoking pot.
    Fat Mooch in a dress.
    Obama throwing a baseball.
    Eliot Spitzer in blue boxers and black socks.
    Ted Kennedy in a neck brace.

    Is there a basket big enough to hold all these deplorables?

  2. One minor correction:

    “It was evident early on, as thousands lined up to get into the Pensacola Bay Center three hours before the rally began to see the presidential hopeful.”

    Not sure if they meant that rally goers could enter the arena three hours before the start (that’s a normal Trump rally), but the lines started at 6:30 a.m. The speech-making started at 7 p.m. A highly-motivated crowd.

  3. Meanwhile, Hillary declared half of Trump supporters were “a basket of deplorables” that were “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” people. She’s calling us names. Why would I support someone that says such vile things about her fellow Americans? She’s cracking up.

  4. Gee Wally, Hillary’s big basket of deplorables include all the dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Global Warming morons wandering around in a Politically Correct smoke-screen along with all the unemployed, barely aware, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-azz, free-loading, uninformed, short attention span, Obamaphone-carrying dumb-shit parasites who won’t buy a belt and can’t process a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that doesn´t rhyme…..
    all in lock-step with Stupid!!

  5. When that hillary person gets down to name calling those who don’t swallow her lies, that’s the END of it. She is out, so hang her now. She earned the title “TRAITOR” in overtime plus.

  6. With a normal election, all that is happening – low turnout for Clinton and record breaking turnout for Trump – would be a cause for celebration. But I fear that this will just boost the left’s efforts to steal the election.

    We have no idea what they are capable of. Every part of the election will be an opportunity for them to subvert the process. We know of some tactics; losing ballots from our military, busing homeless/mental patients to help them vote D, staffing election judges to change voting machines to straight D after voter leaves, finding D ballots in a trunk, and placing voting machines in strange locations and bringing them in with all D votes cast.

    Every time I see good news like this, I use it as an opportunity to pray the God uses his righteous anger to keep them from cheating. That’s all we need – a truly fair election.

  7. The temperature and humidity in Pensacola are very punishing this time of year. Imagine people tolerating standing in line under those condition to hear Her Highness speak.

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