Tough Phoenix sheriff may have new foe: George Soros – IOTW Report

Tough Phoenix sheriff may have new foe: George Soros

No kidding-

PHOENIX (AP) – Joe Arpaio, the self-proclaimed toughest sheriff in America who could face criminal charges for ignoring a judge’s order to stop targeting Latinos in anti-immigration roundups, may now have a new foe as he seeks re-election – George Soros, the billionaire liberal hedge fund tycoon.

The Republican sheriff already was battered politically and support for him had been slipping when a group linked to Soros mounted an anti-Arpaio attack in an attempt to weaken his bid for a seventh straight term.

The group started sending fliers to Phoenix-area voters two weeks ago, and a mailing last week accuses Arpaio of separating a mother from her child because of an unpaid traffic ticket, botching hundreds of sex crimes investigations and scaring immigrants so much that that they don’t report crime.

Arpaio denies the claims and is easily capable of striking back with a formidable $2.9 million still available for campaign spending ahead of the Nov. 8 vote, dwarfing the total $326,000 raised by his challenger, Democrat Paul Penzone, a former Phoenix police sergeant who lost to Arpaio by 6 percentage points in 2012.  MORE

10 Comments on Tough Phoenix sheriff may have new foe: George Soros

  1. I would like to see Sorros, Hillary, and Barry Hussein-0 all die in a firey crash on the interstate. Then people could drive by and throw gas cans at the limo.
    It’s gotten way out of hand with that evil prick. Smart countries have banned the bastard.

  2. Keep meddling with America, Soros, and watch your life go up in flames, you filthy cocksucker. Your vested interests in all things dhimocratic and in bill & hillary clinton, in barry hussein soetero, and new world order are now out in the open, in the harsh light of day. Burn in your coffin you douche bag bitch. Lucifer has your escort of dark demons standing by. Americans will help in your dispatch.

  3. Why is this POS allowed to meddle in our politics? The fact these fucking globalists are scared to death and showing it so openly should give us an indication as to how deeply intertwined our politicians and the interests of these pricks are.

    And continuing the flow of illegals and moslims is crucial to their ongoing plans to destroy this country and it’s values, culture & traditions.

    It’s going to be a whole ‘nother ball of wax after Jan 8 and Soros knows it.

  4. A Jew who sold out other Jews to the Nazis in WW2,not harassed by any Nazi hunters. Escaped the Commies in Hungary, and brought their toxic philosophy to the USA.. SAVE ME A CAN OF THAT GAS. don’t let the fire engines within a mile.

  5. Just after WWII, the currency of Hungary was hit with the worst inflation in all of history, an inflation rate that actually dwarfed the Weimar inflation. Of course, the Hungarian economy was utterly destroyed

    Just wondering if the Soros family, who have always been involved in currency speculation, had anything to do with that?

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