French Prime Minister: 15,000 people on radical Islamist watch list – ‘learn to live with terrorism’ – IOTW Report

French Prime Minister: 15,000 people on radical Islamist watch list – ‘learn to live with terrorism’

france isis israel

CFP: Shortly after the Nice attack, in which an Islamic radical killed 86 people by driving a truck through a crowd watching Bastille Day fireworks, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said France would have to “learn to live with terrorism.”  As you might expect, the remark landed with a thud, since people who appease terrorists have a tendency not to live at all.

Still, France seems hell-bent on walking a self-destructive path that leans heavily on playing defense.  Now, as Reuters reports , we know that the challenges created by such a strategy are growing by the day.  Unless things change, stopping future attacks will be impossible.

  The French capital was put on high alert last week when French officials said they dismantled a “terrorist cell” that planned to attack a Paris railway station under the direction of Islamic State.

“This week at least two attacks were foiled,” Manuel Valls said in an interview with Europe 1 radio and Itele television on Sunday.

Valls said there were 15,000 people on the radar of police and intelligent services who were in the process of being radicalized.

Remember, France is a country that could fit comfortably inside Texas. Just think of the havoc 15,000 extremists could wreak in such a small area.  more

13 Comments on French Prime Minister: 15,000 people on radical Islamist watch list – ‘learn to live with terrorism’

  1. Resurrect the French Resistance Arm them and support them. This is not just a French problem. Our governors have let us down and failed to protect us from these barbarians. Germany, France, England, are giving in to the jihadists, and coming soon, the greatest prize of all: The United States.

  2. Liberal laws, liberal political correctness, liberal politicians, liberal judges, liberals in general are destroying the world. Sooner or later one must decide whether rolling over for the buttf*cking is preferable to blowing their heads off before yours is chopped off. The great liberal society experiment is over, and it failed!!! time to get tough. Those nations who survive this coming NWO holocaust for all races will get tough quickly. The rest of the pantywaist girly boys will perish.

  3. Prime Minister Manuel Valls encourages embracing the cultural destruction of France by islamic terrorists.

    Spoken in the same light as the Vichy Policies when France surrendered to the barbaric Nazis. The French government helped deport 75,721 Jewish refugees and French citizens to Nazi death camps.
    Another surrender and betrayal of the French Citizens and culture in the making.

  4. Hell, dump those 15,000 into Texas-from what I’ve seen, thats’ pretty much the last you’ll be seeing of them. Ain’t no place to hide when you can see from horizon to horizon and everyone is armed.

    I’m not kidding either.

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