Open ‘safe places’ in Seattle, King County for heroin use, task force says – IOTW Report

Open ‘safe places’ in Seattle, King County for heroin use, task force says

SeattleTimes: The task force formed to help fight a heroin epidemic in the Seattle area has recommended the opening of public, supervised sites where addicts can use heroin.

The sites, supported by both King County Executive Dow Constantine and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, would be the first of their kind in the country.

“If it’s a strategy that saves lives … then regardless of the political discomfort I think it is something we have to move forward,” Constantine said during a Thursday news conference.

Murray said he would support establishing the sites if it can be done “in a way that reduces the negative impacts” on neighborhoods.


26 Comments on Open ‘safe places’ in Seattle, King County for heroin use, task force says

  1. I have family that is in the medical field in both Seattle and Portland. In these lib paradise on earth practically every one of their lib patients, in every income strata, and I mean flat broke to literal billionaires are on antidepressant medication. The pathetic pieces of shit have voted to create a living hell right here on earth and the arrogant cocksuckers are most insufferable regarding how smart their worldview is.

    I couldn’t give a shit about what single one of them has done to themselves or what they do to themselves.

  2. And I have a great idea for Chicago and other Lib cities too. Wall them off from the rest of the state and give the residents all the drugs, guns and rice burner motorcycles they want then see how that works out.
    Paying people welfare not to work for seven generations or so seems to have worked out pretty well so….why not?

  3. I know it doesn’t seem rational, but allowing addicts to use in a safe and controlled environment can help them get better. Remember that every one of them is a child of God, just like each of us. They may have been through some unimaginable challenges. They may have made some very bad decisions. But their only chance for improvement is to have caring people help them. Availability of drugs isn’t an issue because addicts will find drugs of one sort or another. Support is another matter.

  4. Safe spaces for heroine use, lol! You don’t need a safe space when you have a script!

    I’ve noticed a change in the general public around me in recent years. Slow moving, indecisive, clueless and all around oblivious to reality. Why? I finally concluded, based upon data my drug peddling wife (pharmaceutical sales) has provided, that roughly 60% of the people I encounter daily are on the tablets!

    Look around you sometime, it’s not weed or alcohol but fcuking prescription mind altering compounds! Whether it is methamphetamines (ADD/ADHD) or opiods (pain management), at least 60% of the population is on something!

  5. Left Coast Dan, I agree addicts are children of God, and that is why I prefer doing everything possible to get them OFF these evil drugs instead of helping them to use drugs “safely.” What a freaking oxymoron!!!! This is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.

  6. Would love to see liberal paradise of Seattle become a huge sucking vacuum hose clearing out the Portland area. You go Seattle. Show us how it’s done. Portland is clamping down on the homeless. Bleeding heart liberals all in a tizzy wondering what we can do for them. Seattle’s timing could not be better.

  7. Left Coast Dan

    Born a Child of God but whose arrogance lead them to renounce God and of their own free will adopt Satan.

    I live among them and they are secular humanists, even the ones who claim to be Christian have left Christ behind or have decided to remake God in their own image.

    Progressivism and Christianity are incompatible, Marx et all made that perfectly clear and to deny it is not rational. Followers of Marx, are atheists regardless of what they claim regarding their religion – Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    To discount the fruit of what Seattle has sewn is to deny that you are capable of examining evidence and coming to a logical conclusion.

  8. Vancouver BC up here in Canada has a safe injection site. It’s coupled in the same building with a addict addiction treatment facility. The rational they use is that give the junkies a safe place (and clean needles) to hit up with along with trained health care staff in case bad things happen and couple that with a treatment facility will save health care money (stop diseases like AIDS, Hep-C etc) and increase the long term success of getting them off the junk by slowing moving their mindset to kicking rather then hitting junk and along with that a reduction in crime rates. Anyway, that’s the idea and I used to think it had merit until I watched the first episode (and the last as it turned out) of a series on one of the cable networks.

    The premise was a guy would strip naked and enter a city and see if he could survive for a month on only the social and charitable services the city provided. Well, the debut show was Vancouver. It was kind of interesting (his brother was the videographer) until around about the third week he figured that since heroin was such a scourge that he ought to try that (in the name of cinema verite I suppose) so the dumb fuck goes out and buys some with the money he panhandled. Since he’s never used Heroin or injected himself he went to this safe site. Now, the health professionals there are supposed to judge the users and if they are hesitant about it (whether new or wanting to quit but need some convincing) they’re supposed to get them to a senior counselor who’ll try to get them into therapy. So far, so good. Anyway this guy is obviously very nervous, voices his concerns about using heroin for the first time and using a needle. One would think that this is tailor made for the nurse’s intervention. Well, she intervened all right. She told him everything would be fine, that she’d show him how to use the needle, how to find a vein and assured him she’d be there if he had trouble. He went ahead and shot up under her guidance and got really screwed up for a day with his brother faithfully shooting video of him barfing, sweating and shaking. In any event that was the first and (as far as I know) last show of the would be series.

    The idea may be good depending on the city and the depth of the problem but you better make sure the staff aren’t morons and everyone is truly committed to getting these people off the junk.

  9. Breaking News: Seattle Mayor has announced that they are setting aside safe lanes for those who like to go out and get rip roaring drunk. That way those who choose the lifestyle….

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