Daredevil readies for rocket launch over Snake River Canyon – IOTW Report

Daredevil readies for rocket launch over Snake River Canyon

ca. 2002, Near Twin Falls, Idaho, USA --- Snake River Canyon winds its way across the Idaho landscape. --- Image by © Phil Schermeister/CORBIS
ca. 2002, Near Twin Falls, Idaho, USA — Snake River Canyon winds its way across the Idaho landscape. — Image by © Phil Schermeister/CORBIS

ISJ: Given his particular line of work, professional stuntman Eddie Braun knows about danger — and he plans for the worst.

That’s why he paid bills several months in advance. He set up emergency cash reserves to take care of his family and engaged in an emotional talk with his teenage son about looking out for his mom and three sisters.

Braun’s simply putting things in place before he buckles into his steam-powered rocket cycle this weekend and flips the switch to launch him over the Snake River Canyon in Idaho. He’s replicating the jump that could have cost his boyhood idol, Evel Knievel, his life four decades ago.  MORE

12 Comments on Daredevil readies for rocket launch over Snake River Canyon

  1. I’m sorry to have to post here but I’m unable to write anywhere else. I don’t know if it’s just my iPhone but for the past two days, anytime I go to this site I’m unable to read, navigate or anything else because there’s a black box that takes up half the screen.

    I hope there’s a solution,

  2. Tracy,
    I think it’s your phone. I post with an i phone a lot with minimal issues. When I do run into pop ups turning my phone off and restarting it seems to help. Also, check for updates.

  3. Thanks anyway Bad_Brad, I updated a little before and have been restarting on and off with no results. I think it’s a glitch that may or may not resolve itself but an upgrade might be the solution. What I’m most annoyed about is that this is the site I visit most.

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