Black radio host pulled from air over being Trump supporter – IOTW Report

Black radio host pulled from air over being Trump supporter

AM: A Detroit, Michigan radio host has been pulled from local airwaves for supporting GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump after the New York business mogul visited the area on the campaign trail.

Wayne Bradley, a black Trump supporter, took to Facebook to say that he was put on “hiatus” after Trump visited Detroit, saying he has “not been allowed back on the air since.”

“Essentially, I feel like it’s because of Donald Trump,” Bradley told The American Mirror in an exclusive interview. “I’ve never been allowed back in the studio.”

“I was never told of anything, other than it was a ‘hiatus,’” Wayne said.

When The American Mirror contacted the Detroit radio station, a representative said, “He’s no longer on the air,” after being asked about Bradley.


19 Comments on Black radio host pulled from air over being Trump supporter

  1. Once on the democratic farm, you can never leave. If you exercise freedom of thought there will be a price to pay.

    I admire Mr. Bradley’s strength and willingness to embrace freedom of thought against all odds.

  2. “Essentially, I feel like it’s because of Donald Trump,” I’m happy to see Republicans from all walks of life, but that is a dumb ass statement. Did Mr. Trump fire your ass? No, it was the station. Words mean things dumb ass!

  3. “In a time of Universal Deceit, speaking the Truth is a revolutionary act.”

    And is punishable by censure, imprisonment, and/or death.

    Mr. Bradley should consider himself fortunate.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Yet the ones who support Trump are the racists, the bigots, the KKK, the mongrels who want to take away the freedoms in the Bill of Rights? Destroy our Constitution??? YEAH…shove that up your asses and smoke it, Dhimmos and Cankles supporters.
    “None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see.” – Matthew Henry

  5. You can’t whine if you’re serious about leaving leftist strongholds. Bradley better learn to duck, be armed, become thick skinned and get some cajones. Genuine constitutional conservatism is not for wimps. Bradley shouldn’t want to go back to that leftist lockdown station – he no longer exists as far as they’re concerned.

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