Flint, Michigan: ‘City Leaders Not Informed’ by Feds of Plan to Send 100 Syrian, Iraqi Refugees – IOTW Report

Flint, Michigan: ‘City Leaders Not Informed’ by Feds of Plan to Send 100 Syrian, Iraqi Refugees

Breitbart News has learned that a resettlement agency funded by the Obama administration plans to send 100 Iraqi and Syrian refugees to Flint, Michigan, in the fiscal year that begins next month on October 1.

But that plan appears to violate a clause in the federal Refugee Act of 1980 which requires the federal government and director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement to consult with local as well as state governments prior to the placement of any refugees within their boundaries.

“At this point it appears city leaders have not been informed of the details regarding this matter,” a spokesperson for Mayor Karen Weaver and the city of Flint tells Breitbart News.

It’s the same story with the government of Genesee County, in which Flint is located.  MORE

15 Comments on Flint, Michigan: ‘City Leaders Not Informed’ by Feds of Plan to Send 100 Syrian, Iraqi Refugees

  1. Refugees to Flint? Now I hate to dump on the residents of this poor city but that’s more like it! I think these refugees should be going to places like Memphis, Compton, Detroit, East St Louis…

    Let them soak up the local atmosphere for a couple months before Trump sends their asses back. They can tell all their buddies back in whatever shithole they came from how America ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

  2. Wonder if her revrundship tweeted her commie dhimmo fellow travellers how wonderful this will be for Flint? She has more potential parishioners with pockets she can pick. Cheer for Barky and the bitches. If these people cannot wake up and see the damage the Democrat party of Stalin is doing to them, that’s too sad for words. Their fates rest in their votes.

  3. They’ll probably be thirsty when they arrive so give em some of that there good Flint water. They’re probably already registered as Democrats too.

    That’s deplorable but then so am I.

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