Reggie Love Recalls The Time Obama Chewed Out Hillary For Muslim Rumor – IOTW Report

Reggie Love Recalls The Time Obama Chewed Out Hillary For Muslim Rumor

DC: In his 2015 memoir, “Power Forward,” Reggie Love recalled the time then-Illinois Senator Barack Obama chastised Hillary Clinton for fueling rumors he was a Muslim.

Love, who served as Obama’s body man from 2007-2011, described the “heated” incident, taking place on the tarmac of Reagan National Airport in D.C., as the moment the Obama campaign knew they would win the Democratic presidential nomination.

According to Love, Clinton had initiated a conversation to apologize “for the whole Shaheen thing.”

“[Obama] very respectfully told her the apology was kind, but largely meaningless, given the emails it was rumored her camp had been sending out labeling him as a Muslim,” Love wrote. “Before he could finish his sentence, she exploded on Obama.”


14 Comments on Reggie Love Recalls The Time Obama Chewed Out Hillary For Muslim Rumor

  1. Where he wuz born is a complete side-show. I don’t really care where the sunofabitch wuz born cuz it’s plainly obvious that this Marxist Muslim Mallard is not an American based on eight years of being Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, jug-eared, dog-eating, inept, lying, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, Bush-blaming, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, Constitution-stomping, scrawny, little Communist Organizing, phoney-baloney plastic-banana republic Doorknob…
    regardless of where mom squatted and dropped him!!

    BTW, if anybody ever wonders why I call him the Marxist Muzlim Mallard, it’s cuz –
    If he looks like a muzlim duck, swims like a muzlim duck, and quacks like a muzlim duck, then he’s probably a Marxist Muzlim Mallard!

    Oh – – – – and I know he wuzn’t born in Indiana no matter how many times sumbody asks:
    Hoosier Daddy?

  2. But this can’t be true. I read that Hillary blamed the whole birther/muslim thingy on Trump. So who to believe? Hillary or Obama’s “body man.” Hmmm…

    (/s if necessary)

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