California Proposes More Water for Fish, Less for Farms and People – IOTW Report

California Proposes More Water for Fish, Less for Farms and People

Breitbart: A new proposal by the California Water Resources Control Board aims to double the amount of water that flows from the San Joaquin River to the delta and the sea, cutting back on allocations for farms and households to save fish.


“Currently, flows left in some of these tributaries after human diversions are frequently less than 20 percent of natural, or unimpaired, flow,” the report notes. “… After balancing other uses of water, the staff proposal recommends a range of between 30 and 50 percent of unimpaired flow, with a starting point of 40 percent,” it suggests. Ideally, it says, unimpaired flow would be at least 60 percent.

The water board report explains that the new proposal is based on scientific studies that suggest crops in the San Joaquin Delta can tolerate water with higher levels of salinity than previously thought, meaning less free water needs to be diverted for irrigation purposes. MORE HERE

11 Comments on California Proposes More Water for Fish, Less for Farms and People

  1. I can remember when the California central valley was a lush green agricultural paradise. And then along came the limpdick liberal pukes and their envirowacko offspring who would rather buy produce from some third world shithole and turn that paradise into an arid waste land. I have just as much hate (if not more) for these liberal maggot as I do islamic terrorists!

  2. Tragic that the “irrigated desert” of California is no longer irrigated. Perhaps those Calis can live on salt water? When the darter fish are more important than humans, well, there you go. Progressivism wins in the end. Too bad no humans will be there to celebrate.

  3. Currently if you are a Rice Farmer you can get all the water you want. It’s harvest time right now but all summer long the Rice Fields north of Sacramento have been full of water. And believe me when I tell you that’s a lot of water. On top of that the second biggest use for that land is duck hunting which they need to reflood the fields for. All the Duck Clubs are saying no problem this year for water. But yet drive south of Sacramento and it is turning into a desert. It was this way last year too. I smell corruption.

  4. Officially there is something like 3 million illegals in the state. Unofficially? How much water are they using and how likely is it that criminals will be following the mandated water reduction rules? The state is run by the most disgusting, corrupt, self serving bunch of latino assholes in history.

  5. Every damn year they say the state is in a drought. They send out nasty letters to
    residents. Recently Gov Brown diverted money meant for reservoir construction. It’s not that it doesn’t rain enough in CA, it’s that they won’t build reervoirs to store the water.

  6. The Central Valley of California was just fine…until they were forced to pump THEIR water over the hump down to the overpopulated areas of Southern California. Now faggot brown wants to up the ante with a larger tunnel system to move even more water.

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