Nation’s Largest Police Union Endorses Trump – IOTW Report

Nation’s Largest Police Union Endorses Trump

DML: The Fraternal Order of Police – the largest police union in the nation – has given their full endorsement Republican nominee Donald Trump.

In a press release Friday, Chuck Canterbury, the FOP president, said “Donald Trump may not ever have been elected to public safety, but he is a proven leader and that’s what we need for the next four years – a leader unafraid to make tough choices and see them through.”

The FOP includes about 335,000 members nationwide, and well over two-thirds of them voted to support Trump.

Every election year, the union sends out a detailed questionnaire to each candidate, then the members review the answers and vote on who they wish to endorse at their September meeting.   Hillary Clinton refused to even return the questionnaire, which the union took as a powerful snub.  MORE

9 Comments on Nation’s Largest Police Union Endorses Trump

  1. Maybe all the “blocks” in the Dem party will start waking up that they are all expendable.

    The dems had no problem downgrading the blacks by importing millions of Hispanics to take their place as the protected subgroup, they are now replacing the Hispanics with the muslimes, they’re more than willing to throw women under the bus in favor of faux women with penises, and the beat goes on as they seek out new low places where no one has gone before.

  2. Trump is giving me the willies-he is so much The Man that it’s blowing me away. This past 6 weeks or so, is there any doubt that he’s not just perfect for the job & & is going to get elected but that he’s going to be a great president?

    Can you imagine Hillary going back to shake those officers’ hands? Yeah me either.

    After the last 8 years and lots of times during W’s run and then enduring Clinton 1.0, it seems like forever since we’ve had a real leader that has our interests at the fore front. Especially after the POS and his brood we’ve got now fouling up the WH.

    Congress is going to have to be lead kicking & screaming.

  3. MM — 🙂

    I thank God every single day. I refuse to believe that Trump’s daily success and Killery’s daily demise is anything but Divine intervention. I’m sure that Trump is beginning to truly understand the hand of the Almighty. It’s hard to articulate. What I mean is that while he may have had a vague understanding of his profound luck to be born into his family, to have had the father he had, to have had extraordinary success at business and to be blessed with his wonderful children, I imagine he now has a more precise understanding of why he was placed in history and given the talents he possesses, and to what greater good he has been called to use the totality of his life. He has weathered every one of the attacks, and more than that; he has responded with integrity, truth and power to his opposition’s evil. He comes out on top and they are left with nothing, and worse. And he’s done it all without resorting to selling his soul out to corporate, Wall Street and foreign donors. Every where he goes his crowds are epic and he has the support of groups who desire freedom, justice and a moral America.

    “So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Heb 13:6

    “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?” Psalm 118:6

    I think of the stories of General Washington’s bullet-riddled coat and narrow escapes and pivotal victories.

  4. Thanks, MM! It gives me goosebumps, too 🙂 I think the story of America is thrilling and I am so thankful we have a shot — in our lifetimes, no less — to watch history unfolding, yet again, on this beloved country.

    Thanks for the link!

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