Obama Is LITERALLY Sending Our Special Ops to Fight for ‘Moderates’ Who Want to Kill Us – IOTW Report

Obama Is LITERALLY Sending Our Special Ops to Fight for ‘Moderates’ Who Want to Kill Us

RestoringLiberty: It never ends. Is it too much to ask that we don’t send our brave troops into aimless quagmires full of enemy forces fighting each other with no positive outcome that fulfills our interests? Can’t we just let our enemies fight each other?

When I warned several months ago that Obama was sending our special operators into a meat-grinder, this is exactly what I meant:

The U.S. has sent about 40 special-operations troops to work alongside Turkish forces to fight Islamic State in northern Syria, U.S. officials said.

It is the first time American special-operations forces are working with the Turkish military and moderate rebels in Syria, in a move seen by U.S. officials as a way to strengthen the relationship with an ally in the fight against Islamic State militants. [Wall Street Journal]

I guess after fighting for Iran in Iraq, including giving air cover for and sharing bases with some of the same Shia militias that blew up hundreds of U.S. soldiers, it should come as no surprise that we are now fighting for the greatest Sunni Islamist power in the region as well. After all, Recep Erdogen is the leading Muslim Brotherhood inspiration in the world.  MORE

4 Comments on Obama Is LITERALLY Sending Our Special Ops to Fight for ‘Moderates’ Who Want to Kill Us

  1. So, when is Malia going to join up to fight with the soldiers her father is killing?

    This is one of those times I wish the feminists got their equal rights; sign up for the draft, ladies, as all young men must do! I’d love to see the Obama girls register for the draft!!

  2. He is setting them up to be killed. It would not surprise me in the least if obama had set up the hostages for Iran to capture so he would have an excuse to send them billions of our money.

  3. Even the “moderates” (if there is such a thing)who are funded, trained and armed by Obama call us enemies.
    Only a fool or traitor would support our enemies.

    Do not send our best trained warriors or any military personnel to be among our enemies.

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