Germany Rejects Merkel as Refugee Crisis Escalates – IOTW Report

Germany Rejects Merkel as Refugee Crisis Escalates


German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party, weathering a torrent of discontent over her open-door refugee policies, suffered a humiliating setback Sunday in regional elections.

The Christian Democratic Union finished second in the Berlin state elections, with 17.5 percent of the vote, down 5 percentage points from the last election — its worst showing there since German reunification. It likely will be knocked out of coalition with the dominant Social Democrats.

Meanwhile, the far-right Alternative for Germany party finished fifth with 14.1 percent, entering the 149-seat Berlin parliament for the first time.


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14 Comments on Germany Rejects Merkel as Refugee Crisis Escalates

  1. Geezuz Merkel, we get it. You’re not Nazi’s anymore. You’re socialists willing to sacrifice your own people on the altar of Political Correctness. Might have a few problems explaining that to all the rape victims who were assaulted by your policies.
    Oh, I wonder just how the “far right” Alternative for Germany really is.

  2. Oh, and the news story described the AFD as “far right” while the Social Democrats were merely “left leaning”. I guess media bias crosses the ocean. Look up the wiki page for Alternative for Germany and you’ll find mostly British government policies. Oh, and rock bands.

  3. Actually, what was considered as “far right” during the Hitler years, was actually socialist totalitarianism. Same as the lefty/socialist BS we’ve got going on now. So that whole “NEVER AGAIN” thing is now “same ol’ sh*t, different years.”

  4. “Far right?”
    The “right” are Monarchists.
    The Falangists of Spain were actually the last “right” or “far right” party in Europe. Mussolini’s Fascists coexisted with the Monarchy, but it was the Monarchy who defeated him. The National Socialists were NEVER “right” or “far right” as they eschewed the Monarchy and made their refusal to recall the Kaiser from exile an early part of their platform.

    But, of course, words don’t really mean anything, anymore … only what I want them to mean at the moment I utter them – no more – no less.

    Right, left, liberal, conservative, pervert, hope, change, gender, normal, regulated, free, slave, tax, fine, oppress, matter – just words evoking images or emotions – not having any meaning in themselves.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. We live in a time when the public can be talked into anything by the media. Reality will soon kick in. How naïve people are when they choose to be idealistically good hearted. They have no idea what they have let into the open door. When people travel they don’t go to the places these so called Refugees come from.If they did?

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